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Yacht value evaluation principle - right or wrong?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Alf, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    If you are looking at an older Italian boat, you had better know a REALLY REALLY good marine electrician and have fire extinguishers in every stateroom and room. The wiring I have seen on most 80's and 90's Italian boats is downright SCARY.

    It would be cheaper for you to buy a boat in US, (if you're using Euro's). By the time you paid for shipping, you would still come in much cheaper then buying one locally right now.

    I also don't understand, why you ask 15 questions, get 15 good answers, and then start going in 5 different directions. What do you plan on doing with the yacht, what is your planned usage of the yacht, and how much would you like to spend using it (fuel etc), and maintanence a year.......
  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Cap, you've just described the typical 1st time buyer. That or they pretend to know everything and you have to dig to keep them from buying the wrong boat (unless you're a salesman).
  3. Alf

    Alf New Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Tel Aviv

    Hello and thank you NYCAP, JWY and Capt J

    (1) I internalized your advise about the Italian boats - Sounds like a FIAT:)
    (2) I find your comment about $ v.s. € definitely to be considered.
    (3)As to what I plan on doing with the Yacht I stated it in my 1st introductory message and I'll say it here
    "Hello everyone, I am in the process of looking for a boat to buy and live aboard as well as sail occasionally."
    Still, I should have considered the possibility that whoever reads the thread does not necessarily focus on the opening message.
    (4) I have budgeted something between $(100 and 150)K till I see it anchored, with all the local permits in place, ready to sail and in my possession. As far as annual maintenance goes I guess I'd have to consider something in the region of NIS (3000-5000)/month and I realize that it may not say much in your terms but at the present rate of exchange it's something between $800-1400/mo.The latter sum represents - approximately -the average after-tax monthly salary in IL, assuming one has a salary these days.
    (5) I will check the boats you recommended.
    (6) 15 Q's for 15 A's are sometimes the alternative to 1Q with 15 subsections or as in my case not being sure I ask right Q's. As to the following 5 a new-be in the sailor s family I tend to enthusiastically go wherever the wind takes me I guess or zig-zag upwind

    I remain, respectfully yours,
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    This passage gives me a bit of concern. Not enough to discourage you from following your wind, but you may need a little more zig-zaging.
    With the age of the boat you'll be looking at you should plan your budget toward the high side although I don't know the labor or dockage rates in your area. Good luck.
  5. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    keep it simple...

    start searching Yachtworld and see what's out there. there are about 40 listings for MYs in that size range udner $150 000 in the med. take a look, compare, do some research on those models.

    personally i'm not familiar with most of these builders but others may be.

    in this price range, i think shipping from the US may work if you shop around for shipping quotes. not sure who quoted you the $43k to ship a 53 footer, but it sounds high. shop around.

    considering there are probably 4 or 5 times more boats in that price/size range one the US east coast, it may be a better option.

    I dont' think bringing the boat for the West. Med to the East Med will cost you $15 000... it's about .... what... 1200NM? figure about 1200 gallons of diesel at ???? .

    one issue will be converting the shore power from US to whatever you are using over there but it's doable.

    considering the state of the used boat market in the US, you may end up with a better boat for not a lot more money.

    so again, use the web. search yachtworld, narrow it down to a few options (in the Med and US east coast) and see where you're at.