Ok, I recently purchaced a 50' Bertram Sport Fish. I can't for the life of me come up with a name. My last name is "Dall" which my wife wants to use in the name. I had a Cigarette years ago named Party Dall (to give you an example). My wife came up with the name "Big Dall" but it doesn't quite work for me. I could see that on a big *** Fedship. I like Double D (my initials) but that won't do. My uncle still calls me Big D but again, doesn't work. Dalliance is one I have seen. It means "to frivilously spend time" but it sounds like a sailboat name to me. What do you think? Still in the running though. I don't HAVE to use my last name in it though. It is now called Double Trouble which is kind of cool but I don't like the word "trouble" attached to any boat. I am in the custom home building business so someone suggested "Dall House" but that brings back "other" memories;-). "Change Order"? Not really a boat name. I have a 2 1/2 year old Son & a newborn daughter if something pops into your mind. I may just have to hit my Jimmy Buffet collection & pull a song title. HELP ME FIND A NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks David
What do you think of... ...Lady or Princess and the name of your wife or the name of your daughter? I like the names "Bibi" or "a little liberty". A sportfisher is a fast boat... "Sayonara", "Ciao" or "The Flying D" The initials of your family: You. your wife. son. daughter. Or play a little bit with the initials to get a word. By the way, my little boat is called "Seahawk" like the US-NAVY ship René
How 'bout this... Because your last name is "Dall", pronounced "doll"... And because you'll spend most of your time at idle... And because boating is something you do in your free time... And because your last sportfish was named "Post Time" How about a word that rhymes with doll... like.... "Idle" or "Idol" (like American Idol) "American Idol" best describes you at an offshore powerboat race anyhow, because you're like a celebrity.... So here's my suggestion for the name of your Bertram... "Idle Time" or "iDall Time" (the little internet prefix is kinda cool on the last one) Whatta ya think?
Reading what Carl suggested, I got a song into my head; Satin Doll, by Ellington. Or call her Satin Dall if you like... Bertrams have satin rides don´t they? C. Porter; Satin Doll Lyrics Cigaretteholder which winks me over my shoulder he digs me out kitty mioau Satin Doll Baby shall we go out skipping having amigo you're flipping speaks Latin amo y mas Satin Doll Well I'm nobody's fool So I'm playing it cool as can be I'll give him a try but I ain't phone no guy catching me Telephone numbers where you know doing my rhumbas will you know and Latin my Satin Doll Well I'm nobody's fool So I'm playing it cool as can be I'll give it a try but I aint fond of no guy cant you see switcheroony Cigarette holder we...... over my shoulder we....... Eye-kidding Satin Doll
While we're on a roll here... How about... Your new "house" on the water could be... "SeaShack". Or... With the number of women you normally have around you, it could be "Bertrim". How 'bout this... If you're a builder who likes to party, it could be "Sticks and Stoned".
ooOOooo.... you guys are GOOD! Carl, somehow I can't see my wife being happy with Bertrim LOL!!. But then again
How about "Barbie Dall (Doll)" "Dall (Doll) House" "Baby Dall (Doll)" I don't know ya but they may work!! Steve
Dave, I'm just returning from a trip to the left coast. On my way back, I was thinking about this thread. You use "boards" to build houses and the new name should have a nautical theme, right? How about this one... ... "Dall Aboard"
Ok, here are the favorites: first runners up: IDALL TIME SATIN DALL BABY DALL EAGLES NEST (Bertrams logo is over an eagle) DALLIGHTFUL DAYS second on the list: Big Dall Little Dall Sticks & Stones (building business) Dalls Nest Dall Face Let me know what you think!! Thanks, Dave
"Big Dall" is . Do you have a tender? call the tender... "Baby Dall" . What do think about...."Flying Dall". You have a family... the name in plural: "Flying Dall's". René
Latin Names I may be a little late here...sorry. In the fine tradition of Latin...how about Neutiquam Erro - I am not lost. Die Dulci Fruere - Have A Nice Day Laborare Non Amo - I Do Not Like To Work Velis et Remis - Go For It I know I know...I am a bit on the strange side.... oh well........... what do you all think...... Eric
WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Carl, yours "fit" the best!! I owe you some SERIOUS fun when I'm in FL in (roughly) 2 weeks or so.
Thanks Dave! Looking forward to seeing you when you get down. Glad we all had a chance to contribute. It looks good!!! Now we know what you've been doing in your "Idall Time". Photo courtesy of Dave.
How about: 'Dallai Lama' You have a couple of extra letters in there! "The Dalai Lamas are the manifestations of those who chose to take rebirth for the purpose of serving other human beings. Dalai Lama means Ocean of Wisdom. " Glenn