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Engines Cutting Out

Discussion in 'Engines' started by Bob H, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Bob H

    Bob H New Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Stratford CT
    We've been battling a problem with our 2 454 Crusader (1988) engines. Firsst the port engine would stumble at speed then run ar 2000 RPM. Sometimes it wouldn't start afterwards. Now the starboard engine cuts out completely at 2500 RPM but restarts and runs at idle.

    We've changed some fuel filters & will change the remaining ones. Found some water in the gas line between the 2 filters - not a lot, so put in 8 bottles of isopropal alcohol. No change. new coil on the staboard engine - no change. Switched electronic modules on the engines when the starboard was OK - no change - the starboard engine stumbled.

    We've gone through 1/4 tank since it started.

    Were baffled especially since the seem to run at lower RPM.

    More water in the gas? Both engines would point to that.


    Anyone who thinks they might have an idea, or have had a similar problem, PLEASE HELP!!!


    Bob Hlavacek
  2. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    How old is the gas?

    Check for air leaks in the intake system. (propane torch - unlit)
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Sounds to me like you have a clogged fuel line or lines, filters or bad gas. If the fuel is fresh it may have churned up sediment in the tank. Change the other fuel filters, and check all the fuel filters again looking for that. Then shut your fuel and start pulling off the lines and look for clogs. (Oil pads, catch cans and clean up after. Work safe.)
  4. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    Ethanol is hard on these engines ... my mechanic recommends use of a fuel treatment product that deals with the water and ethanol. Rebuild or replace the carbs (unless it's fuel injected) provided you have checked that the fuel lines are clear.

    When my fuel tank was replaced with an aluminum tank, they installed anti-siphon valves ... these have a ball bearing in the line that the fuel flows around. I had some debris that hung up right there.

    You can also check the power supply to the fuel pump. Mine was interrupted at one point due to the oil pressure switch (which if low oil pressure, turns off the fuel pump) ... in my case, the oil pressure was fine but the wires shorted themselves out and stopped the fuel pump.

  5. Steve in SoCal

    Steve in SoCal Member

    May 6, 2007
    Land locked in woodland Hills
    If the engines are carbureted have you checked the floats and needle/seats? I an engine idles well and runs OK at low to mid throttle the floats are a good start, also check that the vents in the float bowls are clear.
