Hi All Here are some photos of the F1 Grand Prix in Valencia.Today was the 2nd time trial. The only 2 big boats here are KoGo and Indian Empress.
Kogo: Mansour Ojjeh's boat. Owner of TAG Group, which owns 15% of McLaren Group. Icredible looking yacht, with a timeless design. Indian Empress, obviously, is Vijay Mallya's boat, of Kingfisher and Force India fame.
Great photos, Graham, thanks! Trackside boats & babes + F1 on a sunny day...what a super combination; Miami used to do this and it was quite the treat
Thanks Graham for the superb shots as usual. On a side note, I have never seen "Kogo" with a helo aboard before, this is the first time and Graham captured it!
thanks for posting ! watching practice, quali and the race on TV, i coudlnt' help wonder why did the place look so emtpy. When they announced Valencia as a new venue 2 or 3 years ago, organizers made it seems like it was goign to rival Monaco. There seemed to be a lot of empty spaces left and far from the glitz and glimmer of monaco.
great photos, thanks for posting. As i watched it on TV I thought what a shame it was that there aren't more yachts there. might take some more time. will be interesting to see what Abu dhabi looks like in the marina for the last race of the year. ill be in monza if anyone wants to meet up
I'll be in Abu Dhabi viewing the race from my boat! Berth contract is right in front of me. Allocated berth is right along the bend in front of the Yas Marina Hotel.
...Valence Grand Prix is on a circuit surrounded by commercial harbour and huge basins...a few yachts along fences...nothing compares to Monaco GP in term of glamour...unexciting indeed....that's why the people were on the beach chilling out and swimming...