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2003-2005 61 Viking Sportfish - Opinions ?

Discussion in 'Viking Yacht' started by BrandName, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. BrandName

    BrandName Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Rockport, TX
    I am currently looking at the 2003-2005 61 viking sportfish. Does anyone have any opinions or heard of any problems? Also, I have a few questions about the engine packages. What year did Viking start installing CATs and are there any problems with both the CATs and MTUs that I should be aware of? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    They're a great boat. Fast, stable, good fishability, all of the fishing amenities you need, well thought out engine room. They pound a little in a head sea though, but all in all a good ride and pretty dry. The one I ran had CAT C32's (non acert) and cruised at 34 knots at 80% load. It also had the additional 200 gallon bow fuel tank and rode best when that was drained first.
  3. Dan313

    Dan313 New Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    SE FLorida
    There weres some early issues with the C32 & C32A wihich have been worked out (common when new engines are introduced). The 1480 MTU is a great engine with a track record of lots of hours before any issues. I have delivered and punched out alot of the 61's in South Forida, let me know if you have any questions about a certain boat.
  4. BrandName

    BrandName Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Rockport, TX
    Thanks for the info guys. I am looking at a 2003 with the mtu's but I am also interested in the c-32's. As far as maintenance issues, is there a big difference between the two, such as OH intervals, routine maintenance costs, etc..
  5. jeffr

    jeffr New Member

    Jul 7, 2011
    currently Freeport, Texas
    Hi folks:
    this is an old thread, but relevant to my looking at 61 vikings. What is the real difference between the MTU, MAN and CAT? i've heard that it is really a matter of opinion, but what is the actual difference? does one smoke, quieter, cheaper to maintain? The 61 i'm looking at has the 12V2000 MTU engines, and i think that is the 1480 hp? They have 1500 hours on them. Has anyone calculated the cost of operation per hour/maintenance cost or any specifics? I hope to use it to travel, so have any idea of how it works out on miles per gallon?

    This boat used to be called the Shark Byte, is a 2004, in Fla. and is now the Reelin Feelin. anyone have any input on that boat?

    haven't committed to anything, but sure would appreciate the groups opinion. there are a couple with CAT engines, the C30?
    thanks for any feedback you can allow.


    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto


    I had a 61 with 12v2000 MTU's. There is no rhyme or reason to parts pricing on those engines and I could never seem to find a reasonably priced MTU mechanic. When they're running they're great but I had the following problems with mine:

    1. Exhaust manifolds had to be rebuilt. Believe it or not each exhaust manifold is made of aluminum but there is another cast iron manifold inside the aluminum manifold, when they get old the cast iron manifold works it's way loose and necessitates taking everything apart. Unfortunately when they work loose they also warp and need to be replaced.
    2. Heat exchangers. These engines use the multiplate or pancake type (my term) heat exchangers, while these are in my opinion the best design, they are also extremely expensive to replace. One of my engines developed a leak in the heat exchanger that necessitated replacement of all the plates, this set me back about $9,000 in parts.
    3. Big valves in the exhaust before the turbos. These engines have some sort of giant valve on one bank of cylinders before the turbo that essentially diverts the exhaust from one turbo to the other under certain rpm's, presumably when you exceed a certain RPM then the valve opens and sends exhaust gases to both turbos. I've been told that this valve operates this way in order to minimize smoking and turbo lag. The problem is that the valve (which shouldn't be confused with the wastegates) is made of cast iron with two small brass bushings as hinge points, when they get old they freeze (usually in the closed position) and cause all sorts of running problems. Once again, the fix is to replace the valve which is costly.
    4. DDEC! I had nothing but problems with my DDEC controls, while they never completely stopped working, I was always chasing some sort of alarm, whether due to a intermittent faulty sensor or connection, it seemed like it was never working right.

    Aside from these issues and the outrageous parts and labor prices, the motors are pretty good. Would I ever chose a pair of 12v2000's over C30 or C32 cat's? NEVER! The cat's may be heavier or perhaps a bit thirstier, I'll always take the cat's over the MTU's. Parts availability 24/7 from Cat, plenty of independent mechanics who can work on them and no DDEC! That's enough for me!
  7. jeffr

    jeffr New Member

    Jul 7, 2011
    currently Freeport, Texas
    thanks for the very thorough response. i really appreciate your feedback.

    if you run them at 8 to 10 knots, how much fuel burn did you have per mile? do you remember?

    at what age did you seem to start having the problems you describe? these are at 1500 hours, and i wonder how much more time they have before they start having issues. . .
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I would also recommend the Cats over the MANs. In north Florida, there is NO reputable MAN mechanic. We draw on two different guys from the south. I can imagine the problems else where.
    The sensors are always failing. That's easy work for me. MAN shop in Texas takes good care of me with support on the lil stuff and sell me the parts I need. NOT cheap. CRMs require expensive synthetic oil to stay in warranties. I do not like MAN H/Es & charge coolers and have had problems.
    There was a MTU rig that came in for a few weeks. We cleaned up the ER after the exhaust manifolds failed offshore. Took FL-DDA two weeks to fix. Never heard of a MTU service that did not require two techs. Other than FL-DDA, nobody up here really wants to work on them.
    I've run big and little Cats. Had problems with them also, but there is always a good Cat shop nearby. Went thru an old 3412 H/E. Fixed it.
    Stuff is going to happen to them all. Planning and paying for it is a good concern.
    Heavy, reliable, serviceability & maybe 1 penny cheaper for parts. I prefer the Cats.
  9. jeffr

    jeffr New Member

    Jul 7, 2011
    currently Freeport, Texas
    what do you think of the C30 engine in a 61 Viking? some of them have the 3412s which i know to be a good old engine.
  10. SHAZAM

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto
    I was at 1592 when I had the exhaust problems.
  11. jeffr

    jeffr New Member

    Jul 7, 2011
    currently Freeport, Texas
    thanks for your thoughts
  12. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I never could tell if the c30 was the 3412 modernized or if the cast iron was changed anywhere. Guessing out loud, maybe the heads. I'm just not that Cat heavy. They use that same (@#$$%) Sherwood Raw water pump. Get a whole spare.
    Also not heard of allot of computer problems on Cats.
  13. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The C30 was based or the newer version/name of the 3412. It uses the same block and hard parts (for the most part) since 1978. It is a great engine and runs well, burns around 65gph at 80% load. The C32 is a different block/motor than the 3412. I never see computer problems on CAT's. I see lots of them on MAN's circuit boards-sensors-etc., can't recall the last time seeing them on a DDEC either.