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Newbie looking to get deckhand job...

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by ezdrocks, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. ezdrocks

    ezdrocks New Member

    Apr 10, 2009
    Galveston, Tx

    I am new to the forum and wanted to post a question. My brother in law is turning 18 in 2 months and him and I have been discussing the possibility of him getting a job aboard a nice size yacht. He want's to travel and see the world and I suggested that as a possible way that he could do that and get paid for it.

    I am aware that it is tough work but his work ethic is very good and I think it would be good for him to do.

    My question is this...What does he need to do to be able to get a job like this? Are there any classes he needs to take or any skills that he needs to be proficient in before he would be considered for a job like this? I am aware that he would need a passport for international travel and such, but am totally clueless as to how the hiring process would go for a job like this.

    We live in the Houston, TX/Galveston, TX area so if you know of any locations that we may be able to check out that would offer what we need, that would be great.

    If anyone can possibly help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,
  2. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Welcome to Yacht Forums.

    Whilst I sympathise with your endeavours this is not a new question here.

    Please try the search function using "newbie" as a subject line for thread title searches and all will be revealed
  3. corinthian99

    corinthian99 New Member

    Jan 12, 2006
    London, UK
    Hi, there's a million different ways of getting into the business and I'm sure you'll get a million different suggestions. I started off not far from you - Port Arthur, takes me back thinking about it!

    Might not be a bad idea to trawl the marinas around Houston/Galveston and pick up some daywork/delivery work in the area - test the water, see if he really likes it and pick up some basic skills. Too many new crew expect to jump on a 200' without knowing a **** thing, and there's no substitute for good basic seamanship.

    There is a decent school in Houston if I remember correctly - merchant marine - but I'm ****ed if I can remember the name. If your brother wanted to go ahead he could do his STCW 95 basic safety courses there.

    Hope that was a little helpful.:)