Noticed a vessel on one of the other threads named Fish & Chicks. Does anyone know the manufacturer / model / lenghth of boat shown?
Hi, I did a bit of googling and got this. Not sure if it is right or not.
Thanks. It's not a Luhrs, and the second search yielded 4 names (including Luhrs). Poor guy at the back of that boat will think I'm stalking him It's simply a wonderful looking vessel, and I'll keep trying to figure out the manufacturer. Thanks again.
Well, Kha Shing has delivered over 2.500 yachts in its history and I've checked those available on yacht world. Very close, but no exact match (yet?). I'll keep looking. Thanks again.
My bad. Kha-Shing was coming to mind when I made that post, but I was really thinking "Kong & Halvorsen". We had a discussion about these boats back in 2004, located here... Still not sure if this solves the mystery, but ever since I made the post above, I've been asking myself if Kha-Shing was the name of the builder I remembered? Nope! K & H.
Definitely not a Fleming. Among other things, the biggest hint to it not being a Fleming is the lack of a Portuguese bridge in front of the wheel house. Second would be the design of the cockpit, which is not Fleming either. Third would be the (what looks like) air intake on the side. (that is such an odd spot for an air intake, but I can't figure what else it would be.....) But, not a Fleming. Comparing it to current Grand Banks, it doesn't' fit any of the current build, but could possibly be an older Aleutian Series, but the cockpit eludes me as it doesn't quite fit their GA either.
Hi, If you can get close enough to have someone aboard think you are a stalker then why can't you ask them who built it. Most of the time people love to tell others who enquire politely about their vessels.
way too tallto be a fleming... afaik they never made any flush decks Grand Alaskan? older one? most have portuguese bridges but maybe some didn't.
The photo was from a thread on boat names. Not sure if the owner is a member of this forum. I do agree, however, that polite enquiry could be made if he is a member of Thanks to all who have tried to assist. I simply like the two level stern and forward slanting roof supports. Very well proportioned.
i might be a bit late in giving my 2cents.. but thats a Kong and Halvorsen if i've ever seen one.. i'd even go as far saying (big call) but that thats Asian waters she's in as well. not Med.. Kongs were built up in Asia .. send them that pic and id reckon they'd give you her name for sure.. JD P.S Also looks like a Kong n Halvo with stern mod to give it that and keep it up with a Fleming style..
It's a Grand Banks 52' Europa Model http://www.**************/boats/2000/Grand-Banks-Europa-2022380/West-Coast/FL/United-States
Hi, That was already posted in Post No 12, It is the boat in Post No 1 that the poster was asking for help identifying.