Fellow members, I've been searching for information about Kamminga yachts. Pictures, specs, drawings, contacts, anything will do. The Kamminga shipyard was located in Wormer (NL) and later moved to Amsterdam. They seem to have build 70' to 90' yachts with Fantails. The period should be something between 1930 and 1960. I can't even get any information here in Holland, so I turn to you as a final resource. Thanks a lot.
You are not thinking of Cammenga? http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/vintage-classic-yachts/10496-cammenga-yachts.html
Hi Lars, Thanks for the link. This must be them. The names are phonetically identical, They are only written in a different way. That was the trick. Ow you one!
Hi Mov-It, Have you had any luck tracking down information regarding the Cammenga yard? I’ve done some research on the Cammenga yard myself, but have not had much luck finding information. Following are a few of the websites I've found that mention or discuss the yard: http://www.oudeglorie.nl/scheepswerven/cammenga.htm http://www.devrieslentsch.com/history/Cammenga page/Cammenga page.htm http://zaanstad.pictura-dp.nl/index.php?mrx_mod=result&mrx_offset=4670&option=com_memorix (See: Fotonummers: 21.36204 and 21.36205) http://www.zaans-industrieel-erfgoed.nl/index.html?pages_4/mart_tent_scheepsbouw.html&main_frame http://www.spiegelderzeilvaart.nl/dbgids/dAdres.asp?varIDNR=1757 Have you found any more helpful information? Hope this info helps . . . .