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How much do yacht designers make?

Discussion in 'Yacht Designers Discussion' started by theyachtman, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Yachtman ... have you ever had a job where you were paid to provide a service or perform some task? Have you ever worked for someone else?

    I don't mean your parents or yourself daytrading with cash from the trust fund, but a real job where you have to justify your paycheck?

    What training and education do you bring to the table? I don't mean to be rude but this thread has developed a peculiar shall we say, bouquet.
  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    You'll find in looking back that the "bouquet" began in post 1 sentence 3. I was surprised that no-one realized that they were talking with a kid. Hopefully by now he's learned a few things that will serve him well.
  3. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    I agree. I think it is great that a kid found this forum and asked for legitimate advice. To the yachtman: Although I do not know the prevailing demographic of the members here, I feel safe in assuming you are mingling among mature, educated men. This forum and it's members have provided you with an enormous amount of valuable information. Might I suggest that you take a moment to digest some of the advice suggested here.

    I salute your passion for boats; that is why we are all here. I hope that life continues to reveal it's many opportunities to you. If you truly want to be a designer of yachts, might I suggest that you begin researching all aspects of the topic (there are many fine magazines and web resources, such as this forum), and begin drawing every day. An idea that only exists within your own head is of no good to anyone. A designer must train his hand to master an instrument (pencil, pen, charcoal, pastel, mouse,ect...) that can decipher and set free the idea in his head. The act of drawing is a wonderful process of discovery. If you begin drawing now, you will find that in a relatively short time you will become capable of drawing not only what is in your mind, but a host of things you did'nt realize existed at all.

    Assignment: Look up the word Serindipity and apply its meaning to a sketching regimen. The process of drawing requires dicipline and rigor and is a great way to prepare yourself for future opportunities.

    Inspiration is useless without work.
    Q: What do all Successful people have in common?
    A:They are willing to sacrifice to achieve success.
    Ask yourself what you are willing to do, or sacrifice, to become the best yacht designer the world has ever seen. If takes courage to draw something personal and then take responsibility for it. It is OK to fail as long as you try again. Picasso did'nt paint a master piece every time he approached a canvas. Some of the world's best art and design came to be because the creator wished for something better, more advanced than his original vision; he was flexible to adapt himself to the wish of the creation. Drawing and erasing and drawing again is the fun part! As a practicing architect, I have found that my trash can is one of my most valuable tools! I wish you luck as you mature and progresss toward a career.
  4. PFJW

    PFJW New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    Nothing to see here
    Made up from


    It must be because I am lacking a phenomenal mind, but it never occurred to me when I was looking for a job to simply denigrate and belittle the entire industry...
    Cade likes this.
  5. PropBet

    PropBet Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    Is Everything!
    This thread has troll written all over it.
    Cade likes this.
  6. CODOG

    CODOG Senior Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Bournemouth, southern England
    Years ago I was at a boat show and met up with an interior designer of some repute. There were several yachts there that we had both had input in and we boarded one to see how it looked all dressed up for the show. We walked through the accomm and as we neared the fwd owners suite we heard clear as day we heard a chap explaining to a prospective buyer and his wife how he had 'revolutionised' the interior design of this particular boat. His 'considerable talent and visionary insight' into all that was wrong and stagnant with the industry had culminated in the builder creating the masterpiece they were in now.
    This surprised me, and especially my companion, as he was in fact the interior designer for this particular craft....not one to shy from uncomfortable moments, he explained as much to the couple and the now extremely red-faced and flustered chap that was now cornered in the fore cabin, then turned and walked away. I asked if he actually knew this chap...."oh yes indeed", he replied, "his company supplied the curtain and cushion material".
  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Sooner or later that always seems to happen when you hold yourself in too high esteem. Especially when it's atop the shoulders of others.
  8. Angelus

    Angelus New Member

    Jan 23, 2007
    How much do designers Make

    Hi People. First Post in eons. CODOG has a good point and in a way he is very right about the UK pay scale. It is a pittance compared with what you can earn abroad doing the same thing. Yacht Designers like me have to have there fingers into all sorts of bucket to get into one of these companies. I have infact tried many times to get into Yacht design back in the UK but to date no luck. I was designing Yachts for some of the biggest and best companies around the world. Mostly for the two Biggest Dutch Designers Feadship and Oceanco. This spanned over quite a few years and was one of the best times I ever had. Getting into the foreign field is not as difficult as here. They will pay lots of money for good designers who can think on their feet. If you have the ability to come up with ideas that know one else would ever think of this is a bonus and the pay scale soars. If you wer to take an average of the money I was earning back then it would be well over the 78,000 mark and more. I don't think you will find that kind of money in todays climate but it was good while it lasted. If anyone has a desire to work in this field I would tell them now ...NEVER!!!!! Stop pushing to get in. Apply and many times, to every builder and designer. Holland would be a good start but Italy close second.
    Cade likes this.
  9. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS

    this has been such an interesting thread, and started by a kid ha. many people giving the 'con' of the game, any 'pros'? im a 1/3 through my boat design course (not sure if im aloud to say the name of the school), but to get all of these different views has been great.

    Angelus, im interested to know your 'NEVER' recommendation? is it to do with interior or exterior design or both, more the naval architecture side of things? or just simplely that every man and his dog is doing it, comments? (i just got a mental image of a dog on a laptop, ha)

    also does anyone know if any design firm would do any work experience??? mine has only been a few months with mostly construction of superstructures and drafting up to 100ft boat, mostly work on a 42ft. but i was more interested in the design of a boat of 100ft and beyond. can anyone give us a point in the right direction, or is it more of a case of sending a few emails around and see what happens...? comments.

  10. Coho

    Coho New Member

    Jan 31, 2009
    Southeast Alaska
    After the cost of materials and overhead he wasn't willing to leave much to spread amongst the peons.
    I'm sorry, my first post on this forum, and sarcasm.
    Hello all, interesting forum, obviously knowledgeable folks, just stumbled into it recently, I hope I can add some, I know I'll learn some.
  11. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Welcome to the Forums Coho.
  12. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    welcome CoHo.