Hi Guys Can anyone share some info and knowledge on the LED lights that have now basically standard issue with most new yachts. They are used on the exterior and inside and have a truly stunning effect. The attached pic of the cockpit of a Palmer Johnson 135 is a good example. Who are the manufacturers of these lighting systems?
Hello Starrider, The mods are not going to be happy about the size of this photo. 640 is the suggested max width. On to your question: I have had good luck with the products from www.drsa.com Do be mindful of the suggested use of their lights. Be certain that the fixtures for outdoors are rated as such. It was my own mistake- I had to change out some trim rings on a side deck overhead that didn't hold up to the weather. Otherwise, I was pleased with my installation.
OceanLED I have no personal experience with OceanLED, but they did what appears to be an amazing job on the dutch-built Beothuk. Alll lighting, interior and exterior, is LED and the company has next generation products coming out soon. See the web site they devoted to the build and their products - http://www.oceanled.com/Beothuk.php. Lots of photos and good background info on the vessel.
I love the lighing effects they're doing too. Below is what Benetti did on one of my favorite yachts, their recent build, Latinou. These are from the upper aft deck.
Exterior Lights For exterior lights is Underwater Lights in this business. Here are some photos: http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/general-yachting-discussion/1049-underwater-light-show.html
That link is excelent, thanks! I'm looking at older yachts, so they wouldn't have anything of the sort. However I have a background in electrical engineering, so I may do some serious retro-fitting of some slick lighting systems for it.
i been having very good experience with lights from I-2 Systems. they have a brighter light than the ones from drsa due to different reflector design we used i-2, switched to drsa in production and now went back to i-2
Nice pics of the Benetti, Stevenpet. Are those LED's or Fibre Optic "Star Lights"? I think the latter. The company Fibreoptix FX manufactures these lights. I saw these lights a recent home design expo, and were totally blown away by the ambience it created....like sitting in the planatarium. The low power consumption of these lighting systems are a major plus factor and I believe they have a long life span as well. If one looks at the fittings used in the Fibreoptic Fx installment, it seems to be a very staight forward job. However, I think that installing a patern like the one on the PJ 135(ABOVE), would be a different story all together. I pressume that those are "rope lights" and that they are laid into "trays" that fit in between the different panels. Still, looiks stunning. www.fibreoptfx.co.uk Starrider
Sorry folks, that last link is the wrong one...here is the correct one: www.fibreopticfx.co.uk Starrider
My enlightening education Thanks Starrider, that's good to know. I learn so much on this website. My experience with lighing is more on the level of, "Wow, that's cool!" and "Where's the switch?" I have so many lighting ideas that I like and that I've seen elsewhere. Possibly someday I'll do a new build or a major refit to incorporate more lighting art, but until then I'll just keep collecting all the cool ideas.
That exactly what I am doing, but despite that, there are new technologies surfacing everyday and one must keep up whith that. Thats what I love about this forum. You never to old to learn...even the more seasoned salts like us. I will def go for the LED lights on the outside....practical, efficient and truly stylish. Inside will be a mix of fibre optic and LED. Fibre Optic purely because it is subtle and mood creating. Must admit, the underwater light certainly ads that WOW factor to any boat, even those with outboard motors. Can you imagine skimming across the ocean at night with something that resembles the ion drives of the Starship Enterprise?? Coast Guard might take you for a UFO. Jokes aside, I really that the use of the correct lighting is a very important desing factor on all boats. Sadly it often gets neglected. Hats off to those designers with insight.
Wow, ‘roundthehorn, Thanks for the link to what OceanLED did on Beothuk. All the pictures look great. I loved the video too. It was very informative. It’s amazing that a 6 watt led “bulb” can put out so much light with no UV or IR spectrum and no energy wasted on heat. I didn’t know there were upcoming bans on incandescent lighting. (I was amused by the Interviewer who kept looking up or at the camera during the interview.) The online brochure for fibreoptixFX was cool too. They have a section on both Fiber and LED lighting. With all this affordable lighting technology, it may not be long until we can all unleash our inner "Las Vegas" on the world, for better or worse.
Heh, Vegas you reckon. No, its supposed to add a bit of sophistication remember! A yacht is item that swallows money, rather than spit it out like em gamblin machines in Vegas. Starrider
Hi, A casino where the machines spit out more than they swallow won't be a casino for long no matter where it's based.
I've owned a few yachts that left a little on the table after the fun was over, but not many. And I'm in the "bidness" and supposed to know what I'm doing. Heh, right.
Reply to Stevenpet You are certainly welcome. Glad I could point out the amazing work OceanLED is capable of for the yachting world. Beothuk is a beautiful yacht as well and a wonderful showcase for the technology. The reduction in power consumption and the lessened heat production should certainly help drive this technology into more and more yachts, and as they pointed out in the video, into residential and commercial lighting in the future. I know from my own electric bills that even converting from incandescent to CFL bulbs can make a difference in that monthly charge. LEDs and CFLs should make a huge dent in energy consumption on land in the years to come as people make the move to the new bulbs.
Additional LED Resources Starrider, They may not all supply fixtures and lights to mega yachts, but here are some additional LED lighting manufacturers/suppliers. ABI Precision Lighting - http://abimarine.com/ Alpenglow Marine Lights - http://www.alpenglowlights.com/ Aqua Signal Corp. - http://www.aquasignal.net/ Dr. LED - http://doctorled.com/ Imtra Marine Products - http://www.imtra.com/ Innovative Lighting - http://www.innovativelight.com/ Lunasea Lighting - http://www.lunasealighting.com/ Mastlight - http://www.mastlight.com/ Taylorbright - http://www.taylorbrite.com/