Purd2, if you are watching this thread, I went down to the marina this evening to look at the yachts there, I got there too late for pics though. However, I can tell you that while I was there "Callisto" was sitting offshore tethered to a buoy all lit up beautifully as usual, underwater lights and all! "Destination Fox Harb'r" was on the outside at anchor, "Longabardo", "Zanzibar", "Our Way" and "Xanadu" are inside at berth. "Xanadu" is a beautiful yacht in person.
Thank you Thanks very much. I am watching all the time. Thanks for that. I would love a photo if you could, although this is worth a look. http://www.charterworld.com/index.html?sub=yacht-charter&charter=my-callisto-1176 Kind regards P
I do not have any personal photos of "Callisto" in my possestion but I could show you where one or two might be. Prepare for a PM Purd2.
My home town and yachts Thank you once again Yachtnews! I hope you don't mind if I post a URL showing what is going on in my home town this week end? Monday is Australia day and a public holiday so we have a 3 day week end which traditionally, in this town, has been a big yachting week end. In recent years it has burgeoned to enormous proportions and is called Skandia week end. Like Cowes! I hope you enjoy viewing my home town online, with an interest skewed towards yours. http://www.geelongweek.com.au/
"Nero" has been around the last week, beautiful yacht I must say. I am unsure if she is still here presently though.
Some new arrivals, "Our Way", "Griffon", "Beverley". Along with those, the "Nero" is still here, "Longabardo", the Lazzara "Magic Days". I am not sure if "Destination Fox Harb'r" is still here.
My pics of yachts at the PSC marina from a few days ago... "Nero" "Destination Fox Harb'r" "Magic Days"
"Griffon" left PSC about an 1hr and a half ago. I saw her sailing south east of my direction a few minutes ago. She is heading to Brazil!
Those photos of 'Nero' are just stunning, could you send me those in the original size? I would love to have them as my wallpaper.
Hey Walter sure I can send you them but that is the original size. I have my camera set so that the photos generally come out to fit the forums' rules and so I do not have to do too much resizing after I upload. If you want them just right-click on the photos if you want them for personal use, just don't use them them commercial applications.
They finally fixed webcam 3 after a few months out of commission apparently. It shows "Our Way" and "Beverely" I looks like today.
I was just notified that "Rosehearty" is to come up for 16:00 LT. "Beverley" left around mid day today.
I just spotted this person swimming out in the megayacht channel area. I would think that is a bit dangerous with traffic in and out of the lagoon.
Here are some of my pics from today of yachts in and around the marina "Rosehearty" "Our Way" from the Yacht Club
"Rosehearty" with tender whipped to the side... The small fuel dock... "Our Way"... "Zanzibar", "Longabardo" etc "Kalanga"...
The number 3 camera has azimuthed slightly towards to the Lagoon Entrance and provided a view of the bow of "Masquerade of Sole".