Here are some shots I took this evening, the light was not good when I got to the marina... "Lady Marina" "Our Way" "Sudami"
"Zanzibar" has been sailing the West coast in these high breezes. Just spotted her a few mins ago heading back North towards the marina with her main sheet 3/4 set. Evidence the knottage is up!
More yachts at the PSC Marina. "Blue Attraction", "Milk and Honey", "Hampshire", "Destination Fox Harb'r" (S/Y), "Meridian..."
"NewVida" has been around as well as another yacht that I saw off the Bridgetown Port a bit ago. I can't ID her though.
New arrivals down at the marina. "Xanadu", "Our Way", "NewVida". and the regulars, Destination For Harb'r, Zanzibar, Lady Marina. There are others as well that I am not aware of as yet.
"Shandor" is also here...Shandor and "Xanadu"...
"Callisto" arrived after 5pm and is currently sitting outside the marina with "Xanadu" and "Shandor". "Destination Fox Harb'r" came back in after a brief sail and in with "Zanzibar", "Our Way" and "Lady Marina". "Private Lives" is expected in the morning.
"Zanzibar" came back in last night after being away for some days...I have some photos to post of some of the yachts at the marina but I am not home at the moment.
Here are some of my photos of the yachts down at the marina a few days ago... "Private Lives" "Shandor" "Lady Marina" and "Our Way" "Xanadu" "Private Lives"
"Xanadu" is on webcam 4 and so is "Our Way", she is across the inlet alongside at one of the Condos there, she regularly spotted over there.
The oceAnco "Lazy Z" arrived this morning around 09:30 and is at slip 1 replacing the "Xanadu" which has left. "Callisto" is also back...
Thanks YN Thanks for your posts YachtNews. My daughter works on Callisto and it is nice to know a bit of information about her whereabouts. Regards P
Sure Purd2 no problem at all. She works on a nice yacht! Welcome to YachtForums as well! "Private Lives" is now in the marina..