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L'Hydroptere foiling trimaran

Discussion in 'General Sailing Discussion' started by brian eiland, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Last Feb I posted a video reference of L'Hydroptere exceeding the 45 knot barrier under sail:

    Well they made it to 47.2

    ...from another forum
    The latest I heard, it was last week, was from a wealthy local (Geneva) businessman, who was interviewed because he and his crew had just set a new record for a monohull on the trip from Geneva to the end of the lake and back (7 hours or so, if i'm not mistaken). He said "next month, work will start on my new boat which will be a flying boat leveraging on the Hydroptere and with help of EPFL". We knew since May that EPFL and the Hydroptere team would work together, and that a 12 metre multihull was going to be launched on Lake Geneva. From this interview it looks like the launch could be october or november this year, thus allowing enough time to test the boat a bit before next season (there are few races during the winter time here).

    As for Hydroptere the 60-foot version, it always looked to me like the general aerodynamics were just not there. Maybe computer simulations and/or model testing have revealed that some work on the arms (like having a skin over them rather than a gap between the beams), and thinning the "floats", was going to be enough? I have no access to this kind of data so cannot tell. But I guess that if they're going through the trouble, and the investment, whatever they're doing must have been shown, on simulations and or model testing, to have the potential to markedly improve from the current setup?

    As it happens, I ended up looking simply on the website. And there was an update on the Lake Geneva project, dated September 7th, which I had missed.

    It is in French, the main points are:
    - the team is complete and a big kick-off meeting took place late August in Lausanne. Plan is to have the boat launch summer '08.
    - is confirmed as a "toy" to both help the evolution of Hydroptere by allowing to test things in a cheaper way, and to provide data for the potential "Hydroptere Maxi" project (fly a 30-35 meter multihull)
    - design and construction overseen by VPLP w obviously huge experience in racing multihulls

    There is one initial sketch on the site (follow the link below). It looks a lot overall from the side like a D35 i.e. LOTS of power (mast height 1.6-1.7x hull length, bow sprit extending to 20% of hull length). IF that thing flies, it's going to fly in force 2 winds easy. Now flying and controlling it in some of the famed brutal and sudden wind shifts / gusts of Lake Geneva, might require pretty solid skills.

    Interestingly the "pods" look much smaller in the vertical dimension, as well as longer, so maybe this is one of the future changes for - might allow for both faster top speed, and better speeds when not flying (more similar to existing trimarans).

    Two new boats are about to be developed:
    l’, a Lab boat which will sail on Lake Léman;
    An Hydroptère Maxi which will sail around the world.

    Attached Files:

  2. Garry Hartshorn

    Garry Hartshorn Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2005
    Directly above the center of the earth
  3. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Back in the Water !!

    From Scuttlebutt:
    l'Hydroptère came back to La Trinité sur Mer marina this week after a pure-speed configuration period of six months in the shipyard. l'Hydroptère team took the opportunity of a quiet weather period to put the flying trimaran back in the water and to remast her. Last season, the carbon bird broke two world speed records. In April 2007, l'Hydroptère broke a first record over 500 meters at an average speed of 44.81 knots and a second one over one nautical mile, a performance which made her the fastest craft over the last distance.

    After this triumph, the team decided to temporarily set aside open sea trials in order to concentrate on breaking the mythical speed barrier of 50 knots. Thus, 2008 will be devoted to pure speed. l'Hydroptère is now specialized. In order to accomplish this, studies and trials have been carried out by our team of engineers, in collaboration with the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, prior to and throughout the entire works. The rigging, the platform and the external parts have been finely modified to bring the boat's speed potential over 50 knots.

    The next few days will be devoted to a series of tests on the new rigging and sails, and on the new textile streamlining, which has recently been installed. L'Hydroptère will then be convoyed to Lorient, where she will be transported by cargo ship to the Mediterranean. After a final phase of assembly in Marseille, l'Hydroptère will be able to tackle her goal for 2008 - to become the fastest sailing craft on the planet. --"
  4. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Hydroptere-50+ soon?

    From Scuttlebutt today:

    On April 4, 2007, the team onboard l'Hydroptère beat two world speed records ratified by the World Sailing Speed Record Council (WSSRC): An average of 44.81 knots over 500 meters, speed record in category D; An average of 41.69 knots over one nautical mile (Outright Nautical Mile) in all categories .

    Both those records were set in an open ocean setting, and now with the team's goal being to break the all-time sailing speed record and mythical barrier of 50 knots , the hydrofoil trimaran has been undergoing modifications that will increase speed and better adapt to an ideal, smooth water course.

    The boat has just arrived in Toulon (South of France) to begin this campaign.
    Exciting things still continue to happen in the sailing world, and many of them from France. Best of luck to them
  5. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand from another forum

    46.8 knots so far w boat still in early tuning phase

    They've done 46.8 knots (instant speed) on Sunday 15th as they were training. I assume they have had their speed based officialised as planened (though their site doesn't say anything about it so far).

    I'm tempted to say that 46.8, as they were simply validating the speed levels w the engineers (30, 35, 40, 45), sounds good. It suggests that there's better in store for when they'll try for real. And it's very close to the top instant speed achieved by the previous version of the craft.

    At the same time, I'd have felt even more confident if they had simply said "we've validated 45 knots w a margin" ;-)

    At the end of the day, they state that they "remain confident". I continue to think, as I've written before, that based on the data they've shared on just the aerodynamic improvements made, it seems highly probable that they can reach 50 on a top-speed, instant basis. Whether they can achieve this over 500m, or whether they can do say "only" 45 over a nautical mile, we've got to wait and see. Keep fingers crossed, and they certainly deserve it.

    Attached Files:

  6. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Two Competitors for 50knts Under Sail

    ...courtesy Scuttlebutt 19 June 2008

    Two countries, two hemispheres, two victor

    Two countries in opposing hemispheres are now vying to be the first to break the current world speed sailing record, and crack the holy grail of 50 knots, regarded as the equivalent to the aeronautical sound barrier.

    “No one remembers the second man to walk on the moon,” says Sean Langman, the creator and pilot of the radical purpose-built Australian 9m sail boat/sail plane called Wot Rocket who is acutely aware of the “race against the French to the 50”, and the possibility they could snatch his boyhood dream clean away.

    Wot Rocket’s 500m world speed sailing record attempt was forced to shift gears following the launch of the French flying trimaran l’Hydroptere on 22 May.

    “I want to go official now because the French have. Everything’s been stamped urgent,” admits Langman.

    He is currently awaiting advice from the World Sailing Speed Record Council on whether a Trimble GPS receiver can officially record Wot Rocket’s speed. This would negate the need to have an official timekeeper on the course each time Wot Rocket heads out to attempt to beat French sail boarder Antoine Albeau’s fastest time over 500m of 49.09 knots (90.9 kph), and break through the magic 50 knot milestone.

    Last Saturday l’Hydroptere clocked 46.8 knots according to their web site, Langman admitting the “brutish French design can probably be pushed harder, but I believe we have the ability to go faster” he says.

    In the past few weeks, Wot Rocket has undergone further refinements following three more sea trials on Botany Bay, the stretch of flat water where the official attempt will eventually take place.

    The latest test sail, conducted yesterday, saw the entire project team including designer Andy Dovell on site for the first time. While the 8-12 knot forecast breeze failed to materialise at the upper end, “it was good to get the program back on track following a number of setbacks,” said Langman today.

    “We have suffered some issues with our control systems and have spent more than 300 hours further modifying the design. It’s really been a process of elimination”.

    Yesterday also marked the first successful trial of a newly built wing extension.

    “Because the rules state we have to have a standing start, we plan to initially use the wing extension for more horsepower to get the pod free of the water. Then, once we reach 30 knots of speed we shall fire off the top wing section,” explains Langman.

    This staged approach is where the ‘Rocket’ name originated, Langman likening Wot Rocket’s take off to a Saturn V rocket, which jettisons parts as it races out of the earth’s gravitational pull.

    Once the Trimble GPS is installed, likely to be this weekend, and the Wot Rocket project team is given the green light by the Speed Council to record its own speed, a notice of intention to make a record attempt will be lodged with the Council.

    From that point onwards, each sail will be regarded as an official attempt on the current world record.

    “There is no time to waste. The French launching has definitely moved our plans along,” co-pilot Martin Thompson added.

    The official website for Wot Rocket is now live:
  7. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    61 Knots under Sail !!!

    ...courtesy of BYM

    France. Hydroptere achieves 61 knots then capsizes
    Sunday, 21 December 2008

    l’Hydroptère has just recorded a speed peak of 61 knots this morning. Thus, the flying trimaran is the first sailing boat to reach such an extraordinary speed. Wind conditions were pretty though with an established wind at 35-38 knots and gusts at over 45 knots off Napoléon beach at Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, which is the speed base of l’Hydroptère, certified by the WSSRC.

    That’s in these conditions that the trimaran started the first full speed run of the day. Taking advantage of the established wind, the speed progressively increased: 50, 55 and then 61 knots at top speed! The squall that provoked this acceleration was really powerful and resulted in l’Hydroptère’s capsizing.

    For the moment, Alain Thébault and his crew are preparing the towage of the trimaran, which will be moored in Fos sur Mer before being put in dry dock. The crew members are suffering from little injuries, but they are above all delighted with this speed peak which confirms the boat’s potential. They are impatient to get back to the attempts and stabilize those impressive speeds.

    Attached Files:

  8. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
  9. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Upside Down


    Attached Files:

  10. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    Doesn't say if it dug in and cartwheeled or nosed in, but either way, getting launched off that boat at 60 knots and not having anyone suffer severe injuries is an accomplishment in it's own right.
    What a great boat!
  11. SailMore

    SailMore New Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    geezum.. what went wrong in that picture.
  12. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    In multihull jargon it is known as a 'pitch-pole'....also end-over.

    You're going fast and somehow the front of the vessel grabs a bit to much resistance, and the stern keeps going.
  13. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    today Hydroptere did 40 knots in 15 knots of wind amazing 2.5 times wind speed !
  14. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Across the Solent aboard the world's fastest boat

    In just 12-14knots of wind the foiling 60ft trimaran l'Hydroptère nudged 30knots. A couple of days later Alain Thebault and his crew scorched down the western Solent at 42 knots! Our man, his white knuckles and his video camera were onboard...
    Watch the onboard video
  15. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Around the World Version, L'Hydroptere Maxi

    Just launched, a new version will attempt open-ocean crossings and a record attempt around the world....BIG Challenge

    Brian's note: these bottoms look kind of 'flat' for an open ocean boat at speed, but of course she wants to be on her foils as much as possible

    Attached Files:

  16. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    I have to applaud the French sailing scene for their perserverance thru these tough economic times around the world
  17. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Hydroptere Record Smashed!

    The Luderitz Speed Challenge 2010 is being held October 4 to 31 in Luderitz,
    Namibia, just over 1100 miles north of Cape Town, SA along the western
    African continent. This is the 4th edition of the event, which is held under
    the scrutiny of the World Speed Sailing Record Council (WSSRC) and the
    International Sailing Federation (ISAF). The challenge is to see who will
    set the fastest average speed over a 500-meter distance. Here is the latest
    (October 12, 2010) - It's official - after today the Hydroptere is no longer
    the fastest sailing vessel. Its previous record of 51.36 (kts) was broken
    numerous times today by Kite surfers! 2nd Lagoon Luderitz lived up to all
    expectations today with many new records being broken.

    Scores of competitors dramatically improved on their Personal Best sailing
    speeds and 5 competitors reached 50 knots and more! Winds of around 40 were
    recorded. The new Speed Channel is proving to be a definite winner for
    competitors. Once again the organizers of the Luderitz Speed Event have
    produced record breaking conditions for competitors to be recorded in the
    Speed Sailing Hall of Fame.

    We are waiting for speeds to be officiated by the World Speed Sailing Record
    Council (WRSSC) to officiate these incredible new speed sailing times, which
    will be released later tonight. We shall share these historical results with
    you as soon as the WRSCC officiates them! -- Event website:
  18. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
  19. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand