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advise on 54 ft 1999 Sunseeker Predator

Discussion in 'Sunseeker Yacht' started by eloyex, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. eloyex

    eloyex Member

    Jun 4, 2006
    Sunny Miami
    hello seabrothers ...

    i am interested into buy a 54 predator 1999, with MAN engines and 300 hours only. Well manteined. I will see it personally next week .... I would like comments on this model . I always wanted to buy a predator and this model fits my pocket. No way to buy a larger one or newer one right now ....
    Wife will just, kill me !!! :eek:

    Has somebody here experience on this model ???
    is true the quality of SunSeeker .. ?? or is a myth .. ?

    Yr comments are highly appreciated ...
    sorry for my poor/broken english :p

    eloy/sunny miami
  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I haven't run the 54 nor any older than 2002, but I've captained 4 Predator models from 33 to 60 and a 68 Manhattan. Classy boats, fast and handle well. Downsides I've found are that they slam badly in a head sea, and the helms are generally set up for sitting. Most use a small stool or fold-out to stand on. I'd like to see a higher floor at the helm. I would be very curious as to why only 300 hours in 10 years though.
    "Wife will just, kill me !!!" I should mention that Predators tend to gather attention...especially female attention.
  3. MaxPower

    MaxPower Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    At Sea ... Aahhh ...
    sorry for my ignorance ... but any particular reason why only 300 hours in almost 10 years?

    isn't this a give-in?


    my wife did just that ... then grew to love my new mistress ... ooo-arrr ... just love it when a plan comes together ...
  4. eloyex

    eloyex Member

    Jun 4, 2006
    Sunny Miami
    300 hours as owner dont use it much. I had a riva 41 and i put 400 hours on it in 10 years ... So is not that unfamiliar to me to see those kind of numbers anyway ...

    gather female attention ..???????
    NOW WILL KILL ME ... twice ..... :eek:
  5. eloyex

    eloyex Member

    Jun 4, 2006
    Sunny Miami
    here is the photo ... i will be there personally so i can see more details on the boat ...

    Attached Files:

  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    It may just be the picture, but that looks like the 46 or 44. In any case be very sure to have it surveyed, and pay special attention to the mechanicals, hoses and belts, etc. That 300 hours in 10 years (30 hours a year) throws up red flags for me. For one thing nothing is getting lubricated. This isn't even one of those styles that would be condusive to hanging out on at a marina. You also should check her history. Could she have gone down at any point? If all that pans out though good luck. She looks like a beauty. P.S. It'd be a good idea to hire an experienced captain or mechanic to come along on the sea trial.
  7. Cruz

    Cruz Member

    Sep 19, 2008
    East Coast
    I've been looking at Sunseekers as well and stumbled upon the listing here.

    It's always disappointing when they don't include a helm shot or more history, but if it checks out as well as it photographs, it could be a great value. It can't be said enough - don't skimp AT ALL on the due diligence. And wow, that's a funky, custom dink! Is it included? Good luck.