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Roamer at CC Commander Rendezvous - Ohio

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by Alanglois, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Alanglois

    Alanglois Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    Mentor Harbor Yachting Club
    I wanted to chime in about our Commander cousins. This past weekend was the CC Commader Rendezvous in Huron, OH. Thanks to some wonderful friends at our Yacht Club we (1969 41' AL Regal - The "Kimberly Ann") were invited to come along. These Commander guys aren't too bad after all! Were were treated like royalty and everyone was so gracious regarding our Roamer. They even posted some pics and over generous commentary on the Commander Club website. I include this link so you can see for yourself! There are two links here, one for pics and one for a write up on the event - follow both. See if you can pic out the Roamer in the pics of the Commanders. There were some amazing Commanders there. Kevin goes a bit overboard about the "Kimberly Ann" and I think she got so much attention because she was different. Nonetheless, all the people at the rendezvous were extremely friendly and I can't wait to sneak in next year - Hey where's the next Roamer Rendezvous?!

    Al Langlois
  2. Alanglois

    Alanglois Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    Mentor Harbor Yachting Club
    Pic Index

    Starting with the first Pic counting across and then down the Roamer pics are #14, 20, 31-41, 47 & 50. You may have multiple pages but just keep counting in order.

  3. 9lives

    9lives Member

    Nov 30, 2004
    Lake Superior
    Roamer crashes FRP party!

    Congrats on the pictures and compliments, they are all well deserved! Kimberly Ann is a beauty. I'll chat offline with you about some of your individual changes that are very nice.
    As a former Commander owner I can vouch for the friendliness of the group, when we hosted the first Commander rendezvous at Drummond island a few years ago we had a great group of people step up and make sure we did it right, and it all came off great. So when we moved to the "Dark" side as Dick Morland called it and sold the Commander and bought a "metal" boat we were and still are affliated with the Commander Club. Sundowner is still listed as a 41' experimental alcoa Commander in the registry.
    So these folks know a good boat when they board one, and my guess is that when they saw your aft deck and the galley down below they were amazed!

    Nice job representing Regals!!! Soon there will be more Commander owners going to the "dark" side!

  4. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Regally yours,..

    ..., alcoa at itz bestest. :p

    Attached Files:

  5. Alanglois

    Alanglois Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    Mentor Harbor Yachting Club
    Edit to original post.

  6. dogsharks

    dogsharks Guest

    Quite a bit of confusion here


    First of all, Al's initial posting about the Huron Ohio Event had an obvious error, which we (and he) requested to be corrected here, because it was not a Commander Club event in any way. The event was co-organized and supported by the Chris Craft Commander Forum, Inc, in concert with Matt O'Donnell and Tim Toth, the real on-site organizers.

    The 2008 Huron event had 52 boats registered and one (1) Roamer. However, that one Roamer made such a fabulous statement, we have decided to formally invite Roamers to the 2009 event this year, in August 21 - 23.

    More information can be found on the dedicated web site set up to announce the big Lake Erie Rendezvous of 2009.
    Chris Craft Commander / Roamer Rendezvous, August 21 - 23, Huron Ohio, on Lake Erie.


    Event co-organizer