A new milestone has been reached... 1000 members (and about 20,000 regular lurkers!). I know this isn't very exciting for the rest of you guys, but it's BIG for me! Not Ironically... our 1000th member works for Trinity Yachts. Welcome... E. Mueller, who works in planning and scheduling at Trinity.
Congratulations Carl! I saw it coincided with your post nr 3,000, so it has been hard work to come this long. And welcome "Muellere", it is always nice with yachting professionals around
Lots of round numbers this month Lars... I didn't EVEN notice my own post count. Thanks for pointing it out. I DO HOWEVER... pay attention to hits, clicks, banner views and other numbers that are relavent to marketing YachtForums. Exactly one year ago this month, I wrote down the goals I expected to achieve in the first year. So far, everything has gone exactly as I planned (that never happens!) Here's the round number stats I mentioned. For the month of September... 1. Over 3,000,000 hits. 2. Over 1,000,000 banner views 3. Over 3500 clicks to our manufacturer's websites. 4. Over 100 people online every minute (during the weekdays) I'd say this neophyte of a website is going mainstream!
Hi DigiVibes, Thank you! But the real credit goes to everyone who participates. I was down at Regatta on Saturday. Did you make it?
We made it but it was getting late Saturday afternoon and the place was jammed! We anchored in the cove at Sands Key. Next time i'm going down Friday to clame a spot not so far away.