It looks like there are (2) players in this game. Since Volvo has market share it would behoove Cummings to do a head to head competition on matched boats showing the difference in speed, time to plane, turning radius, fuel consumption and finishing off with catastrophic strike. Until then people will just assume (right or wrong) that the most popular is the better.
Just a quick aside but if you look at the photo of the triple IPS installation shown above, those transom anodes from Volvo are Aluminum and not Zinc. They crumble like hell, Volvo have modified them but why not just make them in Zinc?
Cobalt 46 with Zeus? Milwaukee? Wolf - Was that the same 46 that was in Milwaukee having the Zeus drives replaced under warranty?
very well possible. we have currently only a total of 8 cobalt 46 produced. zeus had some issues in the first ones with contamination in the hydraulic system, which caused part of the system to fail.. mainly the trimm though..
Early days? Trying to decide now is like trying to choose Betamax or VHS, they are complex systems that will have teething troubles. Sky hook on zeus drive seems like a nice and very useful feature. I'll wait 12 months or more before decide, how about an independant system that can be coupled with a choice of motors? that would be nice.
What I consider one of the best pieces of advice I give to people looking for boats is: What can most easily be serviced in the area where you cruise (and assume that your current dealer will change brands one day). This is one reason why I warn against foreign built yachts with only one or two service yards. What good is a warranty if it cost you a few thousand each time you bring it in or have to wait months for a part. I prefer out of waranty boats for this and several other reasons. This is also why I believe IPS has the advantage here. I just see more Volvos than Cummins and more IPS than Zeus. However Skiffy makes a very good point that a unit that can be mated to various engines would really make sense. Skyhook. A fun item, but I see it as a big problem waiting to happen. 20 boats stacked up waiting for the locks to open and the one with skyhook goes below to make a sandwich. Thus begins a giant game of pick up sticks. And before sombody reminds me that you're required to maintain a watch, we're talking reality here.
Skiffy is taking every chance to promote another kind of gear that can not be directly compared with Zeus or IPS. I also think this kind of pod drives with computer controlled handling, must be integrated with the electronic engine management. Mixing brands can not really work? Other drive systems have their advantages, like waterjets, outboard drives or surface drives. Let us leave them out of this discussion.
Other engines I was not trying to promote any other drives, but I do work with boat builders who prefer to specify other engines for some of their range. Engine choice is a big part in choosing a boat, and this has an impact on whether people look at IPS or Zeus. I also work with integrated control systems linking inputs from hydraulics and other onboard data, so it isn't out of the question that someone could come up with an independant pod system. Interesting I wasn't aware the IPS had a hold position option, it could get very interesting at the lock gates, as I'm sure once you've used it a bit you may be tempted to wander off...
Most of the info and speculation on IPS and Zeus is out there, so maybe it is time to expand this thread into a comparison of all drives. That's a subject I've waited years to hear definitive info on. I think the pod is the future though, but I would be interested to see other ideas, especially ones that can be mated with other manufacturer's engines. BTW: Never mind 'once you're used to it a bit', many of the amateurs I've seen will be using skyhook, etc. from day one .
I am waiting for a smaller electric drive pod system to come out. The advantages to using an electric drive are many.
New bits Hi Nycap, It is an interesting area and it's nice to see technolgy coming from commercial craft into leisure boats, diesel electric has moved on quite quickly and facilitates some interesting options for pod or azimuth systems. It's an area that has been neglected as buyers have focussed more on flat screens, garages for jet skis and under water LED lighting! Thats why I prefer to work with commercial craft!or 50m+ as the engineers are then interested in th eoptions for under water systems. The under 15m (50') seems more marketing than engineering led? or am I being too cynical?
I'm sorry for not pointing it out but it's two different boats, the picture showing four engines is from the engine bay of the Lazzara LSX 75 Quad IPS. No idea what the other boat is, maybe someone else does?
Other Propulsion Configurations/Options Something like these?? (not exactly of the same sophistication of the IPS & Zeus 'systems', but more along the KISS principle) Rim Driven Propellers Pulling Prop Drive (Chain or Belt) Chain Drive I will be interested to look at building some of these units over in Thailand, either chain or belt....interested backers?