How the wee munchkin managed to hide this from me, god knows. Total surprise for my 49th, Shamrock V being my favorite J Class....a very well executed model too, love it How she knew this I'll never know...they have a knack dont they ?
Sweet! I've always told GF's, when in doubt, buy a model! NO neckties. (which is a woman's way of putting a noose around your neck!) BTW... 48 for me, day before yesterday. Can't believe the half-century mark is so close!
Hi, Happy Birthday to both of you. That model sure looks good, now you have to keep it dusted. I have a large Bequia Boat and am not going to clean it again (a huge job) till I have a glass case to keep it in.
Belated Happy Returns sir. Scary is it not, only seems a few months since the last one. It wont be long before I'll be going to bed with a granny.
Oh you young whippersnappers. Quit-yer-*****in. You've got a ton of time to spend with that obviously terrific woman. Heck she ain't even hit the hot flashes yet. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! BTW, My life's been better every year since I turned 17. I've got a couple on you and it's still getting better. Have Fun and keep on doing it.
Those boats from Bequia (island off St. Vincent) are beautiful. To see them make them is a joy to watch. I went to SVG last year and took the ferry across to Bequia and watched them work on a J-Class of the Velsheda. They are really good! You have a very good piece there K!W!, if it is from Bequia. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY CARL!!!!! Half a century not out!
Really sweet CODOG. Of course now you must construct a scale boat yard to give it a proper setting ..... Kelly (ex- model railroader)
Hi, Maybe we should start a model boat thread. I bought mine in Feb 95 in Bequia. I had looked at them a few times before but never had the spare cash to buy one ( I was always worried I could eat the $1000 easier and more beneficial that the bloody model) I looked at it and bargained the seller down a bit before leaving to have a pizza with a famous rock musician who had been the guest of a guest on an earlier charter whom I had encountered in the Post Office shortly before beginning my bargaining.
Why not indeed, if no one else does I will, although I've just the one model I posted earlier at present. I have however only just bought this (impulse buy, following a link my wife showed me), but the seller is quite some distance from me and safe transport is an issue. Will post more pics when / if it arrives.
I'm quite excited, although in this case the heart has ruled the head as the practicalities of getting it to me are daunting, and I've nowhere to put it when it needs a deep clean and a few minor repairs but I couldnt resist it.
CaptPKilbride - Those look like you could sail them on a pond? Not just for display? I bought a cheap sloop in a tourist shop that looked like it could be sailed. However it turned out that the hull was solid wood. So it floated so low in the water that the deck was almost awash. Oh well. Kelly
No, as far as I know, the Bequia models are for display but the talent that they have I do not doubt that they would make you one for sailing! I'll take a picture of one that I have but a little later.
The one with the bright hull was made by Kingsley "Prop" King at The Boathouse overlooking Friendship Bay; he told me all the model boats he builds are made to sail first and foremost. (Though I wouldn't sail mine, I like how pristine it looks on top of my fireplace) The blue one is from Sargent Brothers in Port Elizabeth.
Good job I missed this My wife would not have liked me knocking a wall and ceiling out.