Hello, I recently purchased a 91 46 Post and wondered if you knew of any forums that exist, in addition to the one on this site, to share information on older Posts with other owners and knowledgeable people. Thanks
hi dave been looking for similar groups myself, without success. if you find one pls let me know. tks bob
Hi guys! Since you are Post owners..... I've been reading a lot about the Post, and I keep hearing that they have a problem in following seas. Is this something that the manufacturer has tried to correct in later models or is it something they have decided to live with? has the deadrise changed over the years in the later models?
46 Model Change In 89 they changed the dead rise and bow entry to help the problem. Here is an original review that was helpful to me. http://www.yachtsurvey.com/boatreviews/post46.htm The rudders are small but she turns nice in close quarters.
Thanks for the response David. I read that review, and seems like Pascoe went over the boat very well. One of my mothers neighbors down the canal from her in Galveston has a Post, that I think is a mid 90's model. Nice looking boat. I really need to go meet the guy. Have you found any other websites that talk about Post, like an owners group? I wish this website was getting more traffic about the SF's. Mike
Hi guys, The reason we developed this site was to give yacht owners a place to discuss their boats. The Chris Craft Roamer Club has done this and they are fairly active on the site. It only takes a handful of people to start a discussion and soon... others will follow. We have another Post owner onboard. His screen name is "CTDave", but he has since purchased a 50' Bertram. He previously had a 46' Post named "Post Time". If you guys will start a few topics, I'm certain that others will join in.
Thanks Carl! As I previously stated, I don't own a Sportfisherman, but have been really interested in them for a while. I really hope this board picks up with some good discussions. I seem to find myself searching for information and just trying to learn more about these type of boats. Post is definitely one that has caught my interest, along with the Cabo, Viking, Berts, Hatts, and Oceans in the 40-60' range. I've had the opportunity to fish on Hatts and Berts. Keep it up guys! Mike
Post Information Hi Post Owners, Several months ago we purchased a 91 46. We named her OutPost. She needed a lot of attention because she sat for almost seven years with no real attention other than the engines. I am a hands on owner and want everyone to know that I have been calling Post Marine for everything from Original Build Certificates to Hull Liner material and they have ALL been extremely helpful and responsive to every request I have made of them. Thanks to Post Marine for knowing and supporting their product for eternity! I also have to say that I am extremely impressed with the engineering of the hull and interior in terms of future access and maintenance. They really did and probably still do, built a great all around fish/cruise boat. David
dave & bob just signed up, have a 76 42 , been thru most everthing and now doing a repower, she may be "OLD" but they build a great boat certanly back then, , with lots of fb. glass and beautiful woods. and she will survey at nearly 1/3 of new value @ 30 years!!, i do a lot of sport fishing down hear in venice la.. she makes alot, of the "new" shinney,sleek, composit boats look pretty much all the same, heres to classic beauty and function. steve
Hello and welcome. Post does build a great boat and we just ran ours for 3 months in the Bahamas. She is a great live-aboard. We put a 3 kw inverter on her and can run everything but the ac all night without the genset. Stay in touch, we can still learn alot about the boats. David
Operator`s Manual & Drawings Hi, I am an Australian guy who owns a 1979 46 Post Convertible. The boat was a victim of Hurricane Wilma a couple of years ago & I am just getting to the final phase of finishing the rectification work so I can finally go fishing but I need assistance in the gathering of a information or rather data & drawings, so if anyone has any manuals, drawings (in particular electrical schematics) that I could either buy from them or obtain copies it would very much be appreciated. Regards
post I currently own 2 Posts. Not by choice. Bought a 1986 46 and still have a 1979 42. The 46 is the third Post I have owned starting with a wooden 40. Great boats. Fish the 46 in tournaments. Too bad they went out of business.
43 Had an 1986 43 in the family for a number of years. With the flat bottom (real low deadrise aft), she could be a handful in a following sea - often coming in Barnegat Inlet. Overall a good boat. The 43 was redesigned after 86 with a little more deadrise aft.
They are still in business. For anyone looking for technical information, they have folks working there that watched your boat being built, no matter how old.
Engine Information I had a 1979 42' Post for many years, i sold it and now am looking to buy a late 80's 46' Post. I was wondering if anyone had any fuel efficiency information, like a BSFC chart. Detroit Desiels 671TI's
I have a 98 Post 50. I recently was in contact with Ken Jensen the CEO. I do not believe Post has "sunk" BTW. I've been looking for years for a site to exchange info. Thought about starting a Post Owners Club, and even suggested to Post that they open their "Dock Talk" site as a forum. It would be nice if one took off on this forum. One way, maybe, to get that started is if all Post owners subscribe to the forum "post Yachts" , at that forum go into 'forum tools' and set for a daily or weekly subscription. Then, every time some posts on the Post Yacht forum we will all be alerted by an e-mail, and can go up on the forum to see the question or answer. Just a thought??
To forum administrator: Did I accurately describe above how the subscription feature works? I'm thinkin' I didn't....