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Mid 80's Post 43 Review Please

Discussion in 'Post Yacht' started by sladerama, May 7, 2008.

  1. sladerama

    sladerama New Member

    May 7, 2008
    Point Judith RI
    I am considering either a 42 or 43 Post as my next boat. I am leaning toward a mid 80's 43 but I am hearing they do not handle well in a following sea. I boat in the Northeast around Block Island and Marthas Vineyard. If anybody has a 43 and would like to give a review of how it handles in different sea conditions I am all ears. Thanks in advance.
  2. sigarn

    sigarn Member

    Oct 22, 2007
    Wilmington NC
    post review

    I have an 85 post 46 that has a similar hull to the 43. Yes they are flat at the stern and are different handling than some of the deeper deadrise boats like Hatteras or Bertram.
    But frankly I think the reputation they have for difficult handling is overblown. Once they are trimmed properly and speed adjusted to the conditions they are no problem on any normal seas that one should be out in. Post is a great boat, built well and a lot of boat for the money. They have been used for years as charters so they must hold up well due to the extreme hard use under charter conditions. Also even though they are not speed demons they are economical to operate, and with Diesel at the level it is, economy is important, at least to me.
    I have completely rebuilt mine and I am very happy with the boat and for what I have in it, I would have to pay twice the amount to replace it. I expect to have it for many years to come.
    Steve Arnold
  3. fisherman1

    fisherman1 New Member

    Jul 12, 2008
    Hollywood FL
    43 post

    I had a 1985 43 post. One of the old timers that built post boats told me to angle the rudders 5 degree's and that will make the boat right much better in a following sea. You can also call post marine and ask them what the best thing to do.