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72' hatteras MYs

Discussion in 'Hatteras Yacht' started by sabo941, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. sabo941

    sabo941 New Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Puntarenas Costa Rica
    I am looking at a few 80s 72' MYs. A few have after market cockpits. I have a large family and we travel with a teacher so I think the lay-out on the 72' will work out a lot better for us than a 70'. She will spend most of her time in the Gulf. I am looking for any info on this model I can get. How do they handle? Over-all quality? How is there resale? Would you buy one over an aluminum boat?
  2. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    The 72' Hatteras MY without the cockpit is my favorite mid 80's vintage yacht. The layout is superb, and the space and ammenities are very comfortable for this size range. I have not owned one so I am not familiar with her sea keeping abilities. In comparison, she would be a much more economical boat to own as compared to a similar size aluminum boat. The boat pictured was sold in the last year. She's a beautiful example of the 72 MY and went for a very fair price. In the current market, an older Hatt MY is a value thats tough to beat.

    Attached Files:

  3. sabo941

    sabo941 New Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Puntarenas Costa Rica
    Thanks, I have found 7 for sale, 2 x 87's and 5 x 85's only one without an after market cockpit. Plus one 85' factory 77' with cockpit. Do you know how many they made? Do you think the extra beam makes a lot of diffrence?
  4. Andytk5

    Andytk5 New Member

    Jan 30, 2009
    Jax, Fl but further south possibly
    I dont know if I should start a new thread with this question or not but I have been looking at the 72 MY as well as some 75 MY and was wondering if the twin beds can be converted to single doubles or queens in the guest cabins? There is another thread on doing this on the 58 yachtfish but I was focused on these two specifically. Is it just a matter of doing it or are there systems or plumbing limiting this?
  5. Here is a picture of a guest stateroom in a 62' Hatteras that was a listing of mine that sold a few years ago. The stateroom was converted from two twins to this VIP. I hope this helps.

    Attached Files:

  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The 72' MY has a nice layout and without the split engine room, you have a roomy engine room and no bilge smell in the boat. I have run a lot of the different Hatteras sizes and the 72' is one of the most stable in that size range.........An extension adds a lot of nice things such as more dinghy storage on the FB deck, more storage , a real aft deck and a cockpit and more fuel and water.......however it is at an expense to how the vessel handles.

    I would absolutely choose a Hatteras over an Aluminum boat at this size point.....cheaper to maintain among other things......
  7. Andytk5

    Andytk5 New Member

    Jan 30, 2009
    Jax, Fl but further south possibly
    yachtbrokerguy - thanskf ro the picture, looks like they put it over to one side, which is fine. We would have more couples travel with us and queen rooms would be better than twins.

    Also have any of you seen the crew areas converted to an additional stateroom suite?