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Internet Communications onboard a yacht?

Discussion in 'Electronics' started by MicJovi, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. MicJovi

    MicJovi New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    Hi and Hello. My name is Micky. I'm not a sailor but my fiance is. She's now working on a yacht and this is first time we been together she went to work. I have some questions I hope someone can help me. Communication, she's able to send and recieve emails at first, while she was sailing up from Seattle to Alaska, we were able to exchange emails. On June 29th, she went back out to sea and I wrote her many emails but nothing back. Is there a reason for this? Such as you can get email connections in some areas and some areas you can't? What's best way to check her boat that it's ok? I am really new with this yacht/sailing thing. Thanks for your time. MICKY
  2. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Welcome to YF.

    The ability to send and receive e mails depends upon the boats systems and location.

    Is she working on a yacht or fish boat?

    There are also often restrictions on crew internet use when guests/owners are onboard on a yacht.

    If they have gone way up north or west they might not be able to see the satellite if they are using VSAT for their comms.
  3. MicJovi

    MicJovi New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
    She's working on a Yacht called Ice Bear. It's located somewhere in SouthEastern Alaska. Now you mentioned about owners/guests, she went out to sea on June 29 with owner and guests on board. Why are crew might not be allowed to use the computer when owner/guests are on board? I'm sure they know the crew have family/friends that would like to stay in touch. Thanks for your reply.
  4. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    I beloeve Ice Bear is a ex Gallant Lady which is a De Bries Feadship that lurks in Sitka- It might even be registered there.

    Limits to Crew use of internet or any other " privelige" during Guest or Owner occupancy is not unusual.

    If the Owner and or Guests use the internet access for business there will certain limits to crew use. I do not allow Skype video (or any other Video messaging), streaming internet radio or file sharing programs when the Owner is on board and no I am not alone in the regime
  5. frdemmer

    frdemmer New Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    Staten Island, US of A
    'The Internet transmits are limited while those passengers are on board because of the BANDWIDTH of the satellite. They are the proprietors of the vessel and so, they get priority on use of the communications. If your fiance goes on Internet, that limits other users. Not exactly a share-alike condition there; 'cause there may be some tangible 'business' purpose for use. Specifically, that may even be related to the present and future of Ice Bear. May be possible, though, for her to get herself a satellite connection for her iphone or a laptop. Then, would be separate from other users. So you have to realize this not some 'secure issue'; as though was supposed to be mute during that cruise. But having to do with the TECHNOLOGY being used.':cool:
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    What everyone said is true. If your fiance is working on a yacht, get used to having periods of not hearing from her. Also, when guests and owners are on board there is usually A LOT of work that has to be done and your fiance may possibly be working from 7am-10pm everyday to keep up with the demands of everyone......

    The e-mailing depends on the yachts sytems. The yacht may only have cell modems to where they can only recieve internet access in areas that have cell phone coverage. They may have satellite internet which is not as fast as broadband you'd find in your home, so when owners and guests are on board crew is not allowed to use it in order to keep the speed up as much as possible for guests and owners. You might have 4 or 5 guests using the internet connection at the same time slowing it down........
  7. dennismc

    dennismc Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Vancouver BC
    What's that old adage ??? a girl/boy in every port ??