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Window Track Replacement

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by hat4349, May 27, 2008.

  1. hat4349

    hat4349 Senior Member

    Mar 25, 2005
    Tampa, Florida
    I am going to replace the track in the window on the port side of the main salon. I broke the window last week trying to move it and decided it is time to do the whole nine (9) yards, since the rear window has a crack in it for a couple of years I am going to do that one also. I figure since I have to take both windows out I may as well replace the track since that is broken in places, probably original.

    I was wondering if any one has done this on a 48 foot Roamer and if you have do you have any advice. It looks like the top piece in the salon screws out and then you screw out the track. Is that correct or am I reading this incorrectly?

    Any assistance is appreciated in advance.
  2. acellist

    acellist Member

    Oct 16, 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Dear hat4349,

    Interestingly enough, I broke (smashed) the forward port salon window in my 46' Roamer Riviera last Friday morning and have been musing over how to replace same. It was the one piece shaped similarly to a guillotine blade hanging over the sofa that made me decide to replace all eight of them with Lexan window plates. Thank the powers that no one was in the salon.
    I have had little flakes come off the sliders to the sides of the helm station and those little flakes will provide vicious little cuts for the unwary.
    Safety glass replacement was suggested followed in the same breath by the thought that it would probably crack easily. My glass man then opined that Lexan would be the strongest path to follow and the most costly. I'm having the windows measured for fitting next week. I am concerned over possible scratches accumulating in the Lexan. Has anyone replaced these windows with safety glass or Lexan who could offer their experience along these lines?

    Hat4349, when you say the "whole nine yards" do you mean all the salon windows or all windows throughout your Roamer?

    On a side note, my brother Ralph was a blister gunner during WWII in a B- something or other over the Pacific and always used that term. One day years ago I asked him what, exactly, did that mean? His answer was that "50 caliber machine gun shells came in a 27' coil and you put the 'whole nine yards' in the other plane." (Just in case anyone thought it had something to do with football!)

    Thanks for posting your request.
  3. hat4349

    hat4349 Senior Member

    Mar 25, 2005
    Tampa, Florida
    I learned to use the expression the "whole nine yards" while I was in the Air Force and my Training Instructor (TI) told us it came out of WWII but could not attribute it to the source. I appreciate finally learning the actually meaning of the phrase, I have to admit I use it all the time.

    In this case I mean I am going to replace all the windows in the salon, the sides and front. The portals in the V berth, heads, and staterooms are in good shape and don't need replacing. I am going to use safety glass to replace mine since the guy I had recommends it and stated he has used it quite often with no problems.