I have what might be an odd question. An associate is working on designing a navigational lighting system for parts of Dubai. She has asked how one might establish if there are any local lighting conventions that deviate from what we would consider "normal" (e.g., red, right, returning). I felt fairly confident that it would not be significantly different but thought I might put the question out there and see if anyone has a comment. Any direct knowledge out there?
Hi, Sorry if I am missing something here. If a navigational light system is being designed for parts of Dubai I assume it is being done for some type of official operation/organisation that operates in Dubai. They would be the best ones to answer this question as they should be able to tell you what the actual system in place is regardless of what maybe a local system that is not approved or complying with the standards they want to set/adhere to. You could probably post that question here. http://www.dpworld.ae/contactus.asp?pageId=38&PageId=38
Thanks for the link K1W1. From what I understand this is a private system. An outreach to the Dubai government has already been made but we're not sure what, if anything, they will come back with. In the US private ATONs are required to be registered with the CG and I expect that Dubai has some sort of similar application process. I am more interested if someone has local knowledge that might further inform the design. Currently I'm positioning myself for an all expenses paid trip to make sure the job is done right
I agree with K1W1. The only direct knowledge I can give you is that Dubai happens to be in the 'IALA-A' region for navigational markings. This covers Europe, the Mediterrenean, Africa and the Pacific. It would be 'green-right returning' as opposed to the 'IALA-B' red-right returning system in the United States.
Tell me something, is this why in certain parts of the world they starboard is red and port green? It is something I wanted to know for a while...
Yachtluver, Although I don't cruise internationally, if you are referring to nav lights I believe you're looking at someone who has reversed hi lenses.
NYCAP... When you are proceeding to seaward or downstream in Europe, the Med and Africa, the buoy lights would be relatively positioned as you have indicated because of this system. That could be the reason why they look reversed on your way offshore. I recommend this article if you are interested: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=740740
Vivariva, The way Yachtluver phrased his sentence it looks like he's referring to the navigation lights on the vessel which to the best of my knowledge are the same the world over as far as the port (red) and starboard (green) are concerned although I have many times seen boats where they've reversed the lenses in error.
Dear NYCAP, To clarify; I thought you meant it as a joke, that is why I posted that smiley. I misunderstood, sorry for the confusion.
Hi, Here is some bed time reading for anyone with Insomnia. http://www.tpub.com/content/administration/14220/css/14220_126.htm
As mentioned above Dubai uses IALA-A navigational aids. With the large scale marine projects; Palm Island(S) the world and others proper cardinal marks have been installed. Yellow flashing highway construction lights tend to be used as temporary warning aids. No local lighting conventions that im aware of.