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New Roamer Owner - 27 Silver Comet - numbers help

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by kkodet, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. kkodet

    kkodet New Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Algonac, Michigan
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Keith Kodet, and I just bought my first boat. I have been looking for the perfect pleasure/dive boat for a long time. Awhile back I fell in love with Roamers, and have looked at many for sale, and many more on the net. Last night while driving down the road about 5 miles from my house I passed a boat that I have for years. I never paid it much attention. A few weeks ago it fell off it's stands into the mud, and now sits to it's starboard side. The new angle made me notice that it was an aluminum hull Roamer. So, on a whim, I pulled in and checked it out. She is a 27 Silver Comet, with twin Chevy motors and a trashed interior. Hull looks real nice inside and out. 600 bucks later she was mine.

    Today I picked up the title. The hull number is RBX270139R and it says 1964. Looking it up, the year should be 1962, and shouldn't the first three letters be RXB? Michigan is not known for being highly accurate on titles, but any help would be appreciated. I'll try to post up pics soon, as I am very excited.
  2. Redhook98

    Redhook98 New Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    Colonial Beach, VA
    Congrats! You should post a few pics of it in the condition of how you got it. I would be interested to see how bad it was.

    It is the Silver Comet and not the Custom Comet, right? The only real difference is the windshield. The Comet had the aluminum windshield, and the Custom had the wood. Otherwise, same boat.

    What are your plans for it? A total tear-down and resto? Or just get it sea-worthy and use it? Sounds like a real good project!!!! And for a heck of a price!

  3. hat4349

    hat4349 Senior Member

    Mar 25, 2005
    Tampa, Florida
    Congratulations on your purchase and your "new" boat, I hope you have many years of enjoyment with it. I would suggest you go to the Roamer website and read a lot of the information there. Good luck and great sailing.
  4. kkodet

    kkodet New Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Algonac, Michigan
    Yes, my boat is a Silver. I actually identified it by the geocities site, and I've been using the site daily to find info about roamers before I purchased one. I wasn't really looking to get into a project, but since I am very hands on, I couldn't pass up the deal.

    I will post pics as soon as I get over to it's location again. I am currently attempting to find someone to move it for me, and yes, I plan to probably do a full restore/restomod on it.
  5. kkodet

    kkodet New Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Algonac, Michigan
    Update! I've hired a local boat mover to bring my Roamer home on Monday, so I'll get some pictures to post up.

    In my quest to find a local mover willing to take the job, I found some recent history on my boat. It's only pieced together right now, but apparently one time several years ago the boat was owned by some people (possibly druggies) that left the boat in the canal behind their house, and abandoned it when they they were kicked out/evicted/taken to jail. The boat sat in the canal for some time, and managed to fill up with water and sink, where it then sat for a considerable amount of time underwater. I don't know how far it was down for sure yet, but I've heard everything from just a few feet to being completely submerged. Well, a neighbor decided he wanted to restore the boat, and commissioned its raising and salvage. After sitting in his yard for awhile, he too lost his home (foreclosure?) and the people I bought it from purchased it.

    The guy I purchased it from had all the right intentions of restoring the boat, but unfortunately suffered a massive stroke awhile ago, leaving him with only partial use of his right side. Even with that he wanted to finish her, but when the county pumped thousands of gallons of water into his front yard during road work a few weeks ago, the stands let go, and the boat fell into the mud. He didn't even have the money to have it righted and shored back up, so he realized it was time to let it go.

    So now the next chapter of my boat's history starts, and I'm hoping it will be the turning point in its story.
  6. hat4349

    hat4349 Senior Member

    Mar 25, 2005
    Tampa, Florida
    I wish you luck and hope you are the magician this boat needs to have a brighter future than the past. Here is hoping you have many happy years of enjoyment.
  7. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Da' RoaMer GoDz,...

    ..., approve!
    Realize that you've wondered,..., and waited; and just didnt know iffin' you did the rite thing.
    Till just now.
    - Moses, 013 B.C. (Before Cometz)​

    NOw, Repeat after me:

    " So,.., fear not, oh loyal and humble (roamer) brothers,
    'tis only i, pledge (ur name here),
    lower than eel ecrement and molluscan mictruition;
    who begs most humbilly on extended knee,
    how it is that i can please thee,...
    on rivers, lakes and inland seas."​

    - THe (Lemon) Pledge, 1963:p

    Well, you know what expected next.
    Yes, complete restoration - until all fingers bleed and the motorz sound better than the Mormon tabernacle tuning up on Easter Sunday.
    GOt that?
    Your star awaits her (NAME?) in the Roamer firmament.
    Capt Eric
    "Tin Tonic"

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    Last edited: Oct 20, 2013
  8. Shangri-La

    Shangri-La Senior Member

    May 15, 2006
    Pensaukee, WI
    Roamer II

    Tell us a little about this picture of the Roamer II. Do you have any more pictures of it?