Guys, I'm getting a few of database error messages. Has anyone else encountered the same around the site?
I need to hear from you guys, lurkers included. I've been awake all night trying to resolve this issue. I've got access to the site, but I'm not sure if others do yet. Just post a quick note here and let me know. I'm not going to sleep until I hear from you guys. I've been awake for 29 hours. Thanx!
Right now it is working, obviously, but the last hour I have only get Error messages at three attempts. Hope you got some sleep and that you have now found the gremlins...
I tried this site 4 times and left. I tried later and still that same message. But, it is working now.
Hi guys, Thank you for taking the time to reply. Much appreciated!! Last night... was the longest day. The site was down for nearly 12 hours, if not eternity. I worked through the night trying to isolate the problem. It turned out to be several corrupt files within the database. My eyes are officially... star spangled banner (red, white & blue!). I can't begin to explain how difficult it is to do the I.T. work on this site. It's a full time job. A few years ago, I was proficient in AutoCad, which I consider to be one of the most complex software programs in the world. AutoCad is a child's video game compared to running this site (I'm not joking). This site requires 5 seperate programs, that are equally complex. It's way beyond HTML... It's multiple interfaces that makes day trading look like playing Pac-Man. I spend several hours each day keeping things running smoothly. I'd really prefer to do other things... write stories, research yachts, participate in the forums and maybe... take my boat out once in a while!! I'm going to turn in early tonight. I'm beyond tired. I've landed a starring role in the upcoming movie "Night of the Zombies" Good night all. (and thanks again) Carl Camper, Sr. Janitor