I don't know if any of you have heard of Scott Storch.. he's a famous hip-hop producer. Anyway, he couldn't afford his yacht anymore and put it up for auction on e-bay... it was a 1995 Norship/Davenport 117'. It sold for just over $1,000.000.00 How good of a deal was this? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1995...001QQitemZ110232365541QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
I would say one heck of a deal if you read what he paid: http://www.**************/core/list...100&luom=126&Ntt=Norship/Davenport&slim=quick
It would have been a phenomenal deal, but the reserve wasn't met. Whatever it sells for, Lady Tiffany has a respectable pedigree and had a very notable designer, Michael Peters.
I like the exterior but I would for sure redo a lot of the interior. A bit too much Art Deco for my taste.