I was down at the marina yesterday just to watch the yachts and chill. I grabbed a few pics of them. Not much going on that you all have not seen. While I was there, apparently there was a big party on board Cracker Bay. I have to upload some pics but later, I am so tired now.
Kaori has slipped out once again...probably gone for a sail again because I think her tender is still tied up at the PSC Club dock.
Signe is gone from Carlisle Bay and now Kaori is back at PSC Marina..slip 1. She has a Genoa off...maybe tore it while sailing? I think not.
Can I ask what was the silver hulled yacht with the black and red coach lines that I saw moored in Port St Charles the early part of this week?
Hi CAT7, welcome to Yacht Forums (YF). To answer your question, I am not exactly sure what you are talking about. At first I thought you meant Kaori, but you said silver hull. The only other vessel that was there early this week was Eagle's Nest and she is white hulled. This is Eagle's Nest on the left hand side at slip 2 and the double masted Kaori at slip 1 on the right when I took some pics a few weeks back.
Thanks for your answer YachtLuver. Looking at that pic on your attachment, the (looked like) silver hulled yacht was to the slip on the far left of Eagles Nest. I first saw it I think, around Friday last week and it was still there on Tuesday morning. I was curious as the finish looked to be almost a dull chrome if you see what I mean.
Ah, I just realised why you probably don't know what I am on about YL. I thought you were based at Port St Charles but upon reading some of your earlier posts, I assume you are actually on the South of the island yes? Anyhow, I would still be interested to know more about the silver hulled vessel if anybody has details.
Ah, yes, your right. I am from in the area of the main harbour (Bridgetown Port) a few miles from there at least. Port St. Charles is nearly 15 km from where I live so I cant get down there everyday. I usually have an idea of which yachts are down there from the marina's webcams. When I see a yacht I am interested in, I travel down there.
The Day of the Sportsfisher? Just grabbed these this morning from the PSC #3 webcam. View attachment 22972 and many more on the PSC club side of the Megayacht berths...from webcam #4.. Rightnow there are about 19 of them.
i think it was last year when you tried to tell us, barbados wasn't visited that much this year it's much more that "visited" *G*
LOL, Brunick, yea you are right, sometimes I get jealous when I see all the big yachts staying in the Nothern half of the Lesser Antilles (St. Barts, Antigua, St. Thomas, St. Maarten and so on) So I get excited when they some this far south.