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List of "Known Survivors"

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by alloyed2sea, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    There's a 41 Aluminum Roamer with diesels for sale in Ft Myers. She's on YachtWorld. I'm hoping to get a look at her sometime in the next 10 days. Anyone know anything about this particular boat?
  2. roamon

    roamon New Member

    Jan 11, 2008
    Navarre Fl
    I Recently purchase a 1969 46' Aluminum Hulled Roamer. Her ID #501234. Pictures to follow.
    Best Regards
  3. Captaindon

    Captaindon New Member

    Jan 27, 2008
    Fort Lauderdale
    58 Roamer RMP0501R

    I just recently aquired a 58' 1968/69 Roamer, her hull ID is RMP 58 0501R. Would love to find some of the original specs and or drawings of her. Thanks, Don:)
  4. Redhook98

    Redhook98 New Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    Colonial Beach, VA
    New owner of a 1963 36-ft Roamer Express soft-top. It is currently in your register as "Freedom Won" in Ohio. It is now in Colonial Beach, VA. Hull #231. Restoration started.
  5. RC42-006

    RC42-006 New Member

    Feb 19, 2008
    Please add this one too.

    42' Steel hulled Roamer Riviera #RC42-006. Built and delivered to dealer 1957 registered as a 1959. Unique Detroit Diesel 4-71 engines, aluminum with stainless crankshaft, turbocharged (later?) possibly excesss WW2 stock meant to be used in wooden minesweepers, no steel to trigger magnetic mines. I am trying to document this boat and will keep all interested up to date.
    She is in Port Washington, WI. on the hard, lots of metal and wood work to do.
    She will float this summer.
  6. waterlover

    waterlover New Member

    Feb 27, 2008
    Lake Perry Yacht & Marina,KS
    another surviver, I think

    I have got a 1967 Chris Craft Aluminum boat I just can't find alot of info on. She looks alot like the off shore. She is 8' at the beam and 31' long. She has the same cabin placement as the off shore. This boat has been refitted at least 3 different times. The first paint layer was Military green, the 2nd was blue/white. The 3rd refit just added some bottom paint and covered the 2nd refit paint. Her original stern driven motors were 2 140hp Airturbines which were long gone by the time I got her. The original transom was also gone. Does anyone know if Chris Craft produced anything for the military, or water police for a city or state etc. I have pulled off towing hardware, and there has been some kind of lift or something. I am not sure about this, but it looks like she may have been lifted from the bottom at some time. There are some covered holes on the bottom of her hull, possibly where air was pumped into her to raise her. Anyway when I got her she was a mess, so she has been gut to the hull, and I am starting over. Aluminum is in good shape, for her age, and I spent the money for metallurgy tests, and strength tests of the hull. I am now repairing and replacing what needs to be replaced, and then will begin putting the living area in including the custom cabinets I made for her, not mahogany, hack berry. Well if I can get ahold of any info on this boat I would really appreciate it.
  7. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Strange Bird?

    Well, you have to remember - CC bought Roamer Boats from a couple of brothers who grew up making metal craft for commercial interests and the military ( ). For example, I know for a fact they made an aluminum 27' Red Comet FIREBOAT (which we've never seen in person). Can also report that the first aluminum Roamer CC made was in 1962 (prototype of the beloved 35' Riviera - now who here's got it?). So maybe you have another PT 73: on your hands, eh? :eek:
    PS - GOt a hull #?

    Attached Files:

  8. waterlover

    waterlover New Member

    Feb 27, 2008
    Lake Perry Yacht & Marina,KS
    Thanks for the info

    Wow, She looks similar to the PT-73, but the cabin is no longer hard sided. Its been removed. Ive been told she may have been a trainer, which would have been built similar to the real thing but would be built with lesser products to hold down the costs. The cabin has been skinned with .o24 gauge aluminum like an RV. I do have a set of holes on the bow right at the nose that looks like a large caliber gun was placed. What ever it was wore the holes quite a bit. I know there has been new bow plates put in both on the starboard and port sides. Where would the hull numbers be? I don't have the old transom but I do have the original Airturbine serial or model number--009. I'm working with a boat builder out of TN that spent time in the Vietnam war, and said she looked like a marine med boat trainer. To say the least after seeing her he was really excited about helping me. thank God, he's been a big help. I've got a couple of pictures, and get them to you asap. Although she has been refitted, who ever did the refitting left the original holes from everything. Whatever she was tells me she worked very hard, what has saved this girl was the great marine aluminum that she was originally built with. Again thanks for the info at least now I have somewhere to start.
  9. hat4349

    hat4349 Senior Member

    Mar 25, 2005
    Tampa, Florida
    Waterlover how about posting some pictures of her?
  10. waterlover

    waterlover New Member

    Feb 27, 2008
    Lake Perry Yacht & Marina,KS

    I put pictures up before, they were really big, cause I am no good with all this technology. I will try to get them up again and smaller. Will get back to you asap.
  11. 45tf

    45tf New Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    marine city, mi
    Roamer fireboat

    I emailed this info to alloyed2sea earlier today:

    Windsor, Ontario bought a used Roamer fireboat in 1967. Can't remember now where they bought it and don't know if they still have it. Used mostly for fun I think, no one knew how to drive a boat but that didn't stop them. Saw the City Officials out for rides sometimes. The boat usually patrolled the big fireworks show that Detroit and Windsor put on every year, and at the end of the show ran around at speed across and against the leaving boat traffic shining their searchlight at everyone causing more problems than they were helping. Idiots. In the photo (before all the lights were added) note all the 'suits' with no PFD's, standing on the sidedecks in streetshoes.

    Attached Files:

  12. Charlie D

    Charlie D New Member

    Sep 28, 2007
    Lake Superior
    Also notice the dock lines on the fore deck, ready to fall off into the water and tangle in the props. Don't ask me how I know so much about it.
  13. hat4349

    hat4349 Senior Member

    Mar 25, 2005
    Tampa, Florida
    Okay someone has to do ask the obvious, how do you know so much about it?
  14. RLDT

    RLDT New Member

    May 5, 2008
    I just purchased a 1958 Roamer Express 28 in pretty fair condition with twin 327Fs, Hull# ROX28-128. I'm finding little information about the 58 Express. The 58 does not look like the 57 and earlyer, it's more like the 35' Express and the factory spec sheet is very different from the 57 Express. Thanks David
  15. Finally made it here after a 2 year HIATUS. I bought a 1974 64 foot Hatteras that was a hurricane boat in April of '06 and put my beloved Roamer in the barn for the meanwhile.
    1963 36 aluminum riviera HT RXP 36 1603R if memory serves me. Extensive mods with custom bullwark forward, fly bridge etc etc. I know that Eric will expound on this for me... I'm off to spend a LOOONG weekend on the Hatt Trick. ws

    Attached Files:

  16. hat4349

    hat4349 Senior Member

    Mar 25, 2005
    Tampa, Florida
    Enjoy the Hat, quite a step up from a 37 foot to a 64 foot. Don't get lost with all that room.:)
  17. vagabond

    vagabond New Member

    Jun 18, 2008
    Bohemia River, MD
    1960 43" Roamer

    My wife and I are the proud owners of "VAGABOND", she is a 43' Steel Roamer. We got her in July of 2000. We have had much joy with her. Right now I am replacing the steel in the bottom aft section, 1 foot on each side of the keel, and the lower transom area. It sat for years before we got it and has some rust damage in those areas. I was tired of all the little patches and decided to bite the bullet and just replace the steel. twin diesels that do not use much fuel is nice to have. The welding is going great just wish I did not have a full time job and could work on it everyday.

    My suggestion to anyone needing steel patches is get a wire feed welder and just practice on some scrap. I have done stick welding but never tried a wirefeed. WOW! Sure is easier.

    She is definitely a survivor.
  18. Hatt Trick

    Thanks Hat 4349 ! Its sure easy to get lost with a triple cabin yacht!
    VAGABOND... I finally bought a Miller 235 mig unit with a spoolmatic gun for the aluminum. Wire welding is the way to go! Use gas and not flux core wire tho... ws
  19. Shangri-La

    Shangri-La Senior Member

    May 15, 2006
    Pensaukee, WI

    Here is what looks like a 1964 46' Roamer docked on the Menominee River in Menominee, MI. I'm still trying to find the owner to get more info from him.

  20. Alanglois

    Alanglois Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    Mentor Harbor Yachting Club
    The Kimberly Ann

    Eric - It was nice to see a Roamer interloper making comment on the Huron, OH Commanders Club Rendezvous! I wanted to update the information on your list of Known Survivors. The Kimberly Ann is Hull # RDP 41-3502R which was formerly the Mint Julip out of Rochester, NY. I restored her and moved her to Mentor Harbour Yacht Club just east of Cleveland, OH. I will be trying to get you a couple more Yard Roamers hull numbers from the surrounding area - one being a steel Offshore and another a steel 37 Riviera. Thanks for the generous comments and take a look on the official Commander Club web site for many more pictures and a great commentary on our vessel. I think they have more pics of the Kimberly Ann than of any of the Commanders!
