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Two CC 427 Engines & Trans For Sale (both running and just rebuilt)

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer: Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Alanglois, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. Alanglois

    Alanglois Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    Mentor Harbor Yachting Club
    Two completely (just) rebuilt and running Chris Craft 427 engines and Paragon transmissions (also rebuilt) for sale. Less than 20 hours on both engines. New pistons, new hoses, rebuilt carbs, fuel pumps & lines, waterpumps, risers and the list goes on, the whole nine yards! Turnkey and ready to drop in. Both RH and LH rotation engines.

    $5000 for each.

    Crated/Winterized and ready to go. Comes with machine shop warranty. I have spent the past 4 years restoring my 41' Aluminum Regal and broke down for a repower thus the sale of the 427's. Engines are in Buffalo, NY.

    Contact me at anytime either here in the forum or at the following:

    Al Langlois: 440-251-7448
  2. 9lives

    9lives Member

    Nov 30, 2004
    Lake Superior
    repowered regal

    GOOD TO SEE YOUR POST! what did you decide to iinstall?
    Was it the new Crusaders or did you go diesel?

    Love to see any photos of your restoration to compare ideas, 4 years later from our repower we are now moving into the head and v-berth for updating. It never ends does it! Good luck with the sale. Our engines went to drag racers who wanted only block, got a great number for the side oiler and a fair number for the non side oiler as well. Tore off all of the marinized parts including reverse cam ( which is still hard to find) and sold parts to fellow boaters, hope you are as lucky as us. You might also put it in the Commander swap shop site as there are many more members there that would have the same interest in the engines if no Roamer member responds.

  3. Alanglois

    Alanglois Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    Mentor Harbor Yachting Club

    Thanks for the post. Yes we are "DONE" and you know what that really means. I have had the pleasure of hooking up with Ron Smoker here in Cleveland at MHYC and he said you guys were acquaintences when you had the Commander. Anyway I will send some pics to you directly at your email address. The "Kimberly Ann" is set to come out of the water next Thursday but we enjoyed every minute of her this short season we had.

    I am due to reengineer new sliding doors and pull up our new nautolex deck floor for a teak replacement this winter but otherwise we're good to go. 8.1's and 32kts ain't too bad - 25kt cruise. I need to do some prop tweaking but we are thrilled.

  4. 9lives

    9lives Member

    Nov 30, 2004
    Lake Superior
    So now you know how I happened to end up with Cats and Twin disc trannies! Ron was and is a very good source of info on repowering and he led me to the Chris Craft lovers who did us right on our repowers. Above else he is a great guy with a very nice wife as well. Have you seen "Summer Song"? His 38 is very beautiful and is a good standard to shoot for when restoring.

    The Commander group has 2 boats repowered with the 8.1's and both sound as if they are as succesful as yours was. Increased speed to where you would like it to be in the first place and probably an increase in fuel economy of over .25mpg I would bet. Am I close?

    Did you increase the shaft dia. to 1-3/4"? I have stayed away from speeds in your range because calculations showed I was well into a dangerous area due to the torque nec. to run at that speed. So this winter we are changing shafts and tubes to accomadate the reserve power we haven't been using.
    First time I went over 33mph I was wondering if I would blow a wheel or a shaft!! That is really flying in a boat this size and you probably have experianced the sight of the bayliner or c-ray owner with his jaw dropped as you over take him with a boat 15' larger and holding 10 people having a party on the aft deck!
    Send the pics I will look forward to seeing her!

  5. Alanglois

    Alanglois Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    Mentor Harbor Yachting Club
    Engines Sold - Thank You