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Engine Raw Water Strainers/Shutoffs

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by crewzin, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. crewzin

    crewzin New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    Does anyone have any info on where I can buy rebuild kits and see a parts breakdown for the raw water intakes on a 1970 CC Roamer (Aluminum if it matters)?
  2. artwork

    artwork Member

    Feb 19, 2006
    Aluminum strainers

    My 58 alum had CC factory buiilt strainers. Most 'off the shelf' strainers are bronze - not good on alum. We reverse engineered them and welded up two. The SS strainer 'plate' was in good condition, so we re-used that.
  3. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    The ones on my 46 are Chris Craft manufactured by Groco. All of the parts are off the shelf. The ends are bronze, I think, but isolated from the aluminum by dielectric unions. I was planning on using marlon or some other plastic union and just reuse the Grocos.

    crewzin, do yours have any identifying marks on them?
  4. crewzin

    crewzin New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    Here is what I know so far:
    - you are right about the manufacturer - Groco
    - these parts went out of production in or around 1986
    - the rubber replacements for the existing shut off valves went out of
    production in or about 1993
    - the part number is SVS1000 & SVS1250 (1000 = 1" and 1250 = 1.25")
    - strainer and glass is the same as the current models.

    The bad news is that the replacement seals/rubber plugs are no longer available which means replacement of the unit. These units were only used on CC and Grand Banks boats. I have a picture somewhere...
  5. crewzin

    crewzin New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    See picture...

    Attached Files:

  6. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Tried and,..

    ..., true.
    Replaced the internal strainer (SS) myself ('67 Riv 37') not too long ago.
    Actually, new unit was far superior - one piece with ceramic bottom -- but of course, dont have the contact info for you now.
    Will look up, especially as i really need to replace the other side before spring has sprung. Fabricated the "washers" out of cork - you can also use rubber mat (local hardware store) to accomplish same task.
    Rest assured, the pieces are out there.
    PS - Really think i got it from Groco themselves. :cool:
    PSS - New "glass" would be nice - mine are plastic (lexan?) and looking mitey crazed.
  7. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    crewzin, you've got exactly what I've got. The only parts I need are the sight glasses and gaskets for them. As alloyed2sea said, you can make the gaskets easily enough. Are you rubber valve inserts (or whatever you call them) broken? Mine were in fine shape, and this was a very unloved boat.
  8. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    Here's some more info on the Grocos from the sailing community:

    "GROCO no longer makes replacement parts for these seacocks, but here is what I've learned. These plugs are made of Buna-N Rubber, the same material as in O-rings. They should NOT wear out, but they can develop "bumps" from non-use of the valves. (The pressure exerted by the tightened wingnut forces the rubber into the drain plug hole and into the inlet and outlet ports, and older plugs do not quickly return to their original shape). If the valve becomes difficult to turn, at haul-out remove the valve plug. Bumps may be removed with light sanding or filing. Coat lightly with silicon based grease. I find that pure silicon O-ring grease, obtainable from all dive shops, is perfect for this use."
  9. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007

    A bit off topic but any of you guys know where I can get Perko strainer parts? I've Googled the UK and there are no dealers. Its a nice strainer for its size and fits right to the bulkhead between 2 V8's, cannot find equal.
  10. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
  11. crewzin

    crewzin New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
  12. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007


    Many thanks, very helpful

  13. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
  14. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    It doesn't work for me now, either. The entire kp44 site seems to be down. The following is the text of the page from my browser cache. Most of the content is links to other documents:

    Peterson Cutter Group -- Documents Page — The official website of the Peterson Cutter Owner's Group Page Category: Documents
    Set Site Preferences

    Original KP46 & KP44 Sales Brochures

    Click on a picture to download an Adobe Acrobat PDF file of the brochure.

    size: 1.7 MB size 312KB Original Sail Logo (kind of)

    Documents Specially Pertaining to Peterson Cutters

    Note: The Flashpaper icon ( ) indicates a "web-friendly" document similar to an Adobe PDF file. (See this Side by side usage table). They can be displayed in any browser with Flash Player installed and are recommended for viewing a document in a browser. For downloading and saving the document to your computer the PDF version is the recommended format.

    Article about KP44 Sea Esta (Latitudes and Attitudes May 2005). (Adobe PDF File, 984.2 KB)
    Peterson Cutter Plans and Drawings
    Tuning your rig (Notes from Brion Toss tune-up of KP44 Beatrix)
    Sheet Loadings for Peterson 44
    KP44 Sail Plan
    The good-old Peterson 44 (Blue Water Sailing, May 1998) (Adobe PDF File, 347.8 KB)
    Boat Review: KP44 (Cruising World, Nov. 1997)
    What Boats Are Really Out There? ( Sailnet, John Kretschmer, Nov 2003). Features KP44 as a favorite among world cruisers.
    Removing the Rudder by Rick Crane of KP44 Sea Crane.
    KP44 Ground Tackle Drag Force Calculations
    Rudder Failure and Rebuild by Britt Finley of KP44 Restless.
    Tabbing Bulkheads to the Hull and Deck by Robert Klingberg of F46 WILLIWAW. (Adobe PDF File, 21.1 KB)
    Inland and International Navigation Light Requirements for Peterson Cutters.
    Winch Analysis Spreadsheet by Jeff Stander on Kp44 Beatrix. Choose your winches from Lewmar, Anderson or Harken, enter your sail specifications, and calculate sheet loadings and winch power.
    Winch Analysis Spreadsheet (Excel File, 202 KB)
    Winch Analysis Spreadsheet (ZIP File, 65.6 KB)
    Example Analysis (Web Page)
    Which Winch? Two articles on which selection and analysis.
    Which Winch (Adobe PDF File, 164.2 KB)
    Which Winch (FlashPaper 2 Document, 93.9 KB)
    Which Winch (MS Word Document, 68.5 KB)
    KP44 Polar Diagrams
    Rudder Repair Page. Links to all the rudder failure, repair, and rebuild articles on the website.
    Perkins 4.154 Manuals. These are original manuals scanned into Adobe Acrobat™ format.
    Perkins 4-154 Manuals All of the following PDF manuals in one BIG zip file. (ZIP File, 15.9 MB)
    Perkins 4-154 Shop Manual (Adobe PDF File, 13.6 MB)
    Perkins 4-154 Shop Manual (FlashPaper 2 Document, 6.9 MB)
    Perkins 4-154 Parts Manual (Adobe PDF File, 2.6 MB)
    Perkins 4-154 Parts Manual (FlashPaper 2 Document, 2 MB)
    Borg-Warner Velvet Drive Manuals. These are original manuals scanned into Adobe Acrobat™ format.
    Velvet Drive Manuals All of the following PDF manuals in one BIG zip file. (ZIP File, 9.3 MB)
    Velvet Drive Installation Manual (Adobe PDF File, 1 MB)
    Velvet Drive Installation Manual (FlashPaper 2 Document, 1.2 MB)
    Velvet Drive Service Manual (Adobe PDF File, 5.7 MB)
    Velvet Drive Service Manual (FlashPaper 2 Document, 8.1 MB)
    Ford Lehman Engine Manuals. These are original manuals scanned into Adobe Acrobat™ format.
    Ford Lehman All Manuals All of the following PDF manuals in one BIG zip file. (ZIP File, 5.1 MB)
    Ford Lehman Base Parts (Appendix A) (Adobe PDF File, 1.7 MB)
    Ford Lehman Base Parts (Appendix A) (FlashPaper 2 Document, 1.7 MB)
    Ford Lehman Marinized Parts (Appendix B) (Adobe PDF File, 1.3 MB)
    Ford Lehman Marinized Parts (Appendix B) (FlashPaper 2 Document, 1.3 MB)
    Ford Lehman Operators Manual (Adobe PDF File, 2.4 MB)
    Ford Lehman Operators Manual (FlashPaper 2 Document, 2.5 MB)
    Original KP44 GROCO Seacocks Parts List. Note: GROCO no longer makes replacement parts for these seacocks, but here is what I've learned. These plugs are made of Buna-N Rubber, the same material as in O-rings. They should NOT wear out, but they can develop "bumps" from non-use of the valves. (The pressure exerted by the tightened wingnut forces the rubber into the drain plug hole and into the inlet and outlet ports, and older plugs do not quickly return to their original shape). If the valve becomes difficult to turn, at haul-out remove the valve plug. Bumps may be removed with light sanding or filing. Coat lightly with silicon based grease. I find that pure silicon O-ring grease, obtainable from all dive shops, is perfect for this use.
    GROCO Seacocks (Adobe PDF File, 50.1 KB)
    GROCO Seacocks (FlashPaper 2 Document, 116.9 KB)
    Other Documents of Interest

    Rigging Data
    Rig Breaking Strengths (Adobe PDF File, 25.8 KB)
    Rig Breaking Strengths (FlashPaper 2 Document, 76.8 KB)
    Boat Electric Wire Technical Data
    Decimal to Fractional Measure Conversion Tables.
    Stainless Steel White Paper
    Selecting Sizing and Using Your Battery Bank.
    Application Notes for StoppaniT 2-Part Varnishes on Teak (Download as MS Word Doc, 48K)
    Inside scoop on used boat pricing (March 2002) by Richard Meeks, F46 owner & (former) broker
    Grounding your vessel. Articles on electrical grounding & counterpoise.
    Electrical Conductivity of Materials. Why you shouldn't put a stainless washer under that battery.
    Differences Between International and North American Power. Why overseas 220 volts is NOT the same as USA 220 volts.
    Articles on Lightning and Lightning Protection.
    Fixing the "crazy mouse" problem when WIndows mistakes your GPS input for a serial mouse and the cursor jumps all over your screen. Also, if using Windows NT, see the Microsoft Support Page on How to Disable Detection of Devices on Serial Ports. For XP and advanced users see this Boot INI Options Reference. See this file on How to edit the Boot.ini file in Windows XP.
    Selden Single Line Reefing Instructions (Adobe PDF File, 421.7 KB) .
    Selden Single Line Reefing Instructions (FlashPaper 2 Document, 90.3 KB)

    Last modified: October 08 2007 10:23
  15. crewzin

    crewzin New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    The Peterson Cutter Group -- Documents Page is up and working again.
  16. 45tf

    45tf New Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    marine city, mi
    Chris-Craft/Groco seacocks

    I rebuilt my 1978 seacock/strainers a couple of years ago - two 2-1/2" for the mains, and two 1-1/4" for the gen and a/c. I removed the units from the boat, knocked five pounds of green crud off each one, and disassembled them completely. I bead blasted all the bronze parts, and then clear powder coated the exterior surfaces. The strainer baskets cleaned up fine with a little hydrochloric persuader.

    The rubber "plugs" (Groco's part name for the valves) were not a problem. I cleaned them up with Westley's Bleche-Wite whitewall cleaner (a great cleaner for rubber parts that I can't live without) and they came out great, even after over 20 years of salt-water service. After a spray job with silicone lubricant, they look like new.

    I replaced the bronze or brass screws and plugs with stainless steel parts; replaced the sight glasses and all gaskets with new from Groco (expensive); and made new tie-rods of 316 stainless steel rod.

    For lubrication, Groco recommends that you do not use petroleum-based grease on the rubber. I used silicone spray, but did use waterproof grease on the wing nut threads, the end of the wing nut that pushes on the bronze disk, and on the drain plug threads.

    As part of winterizing, I clean out the strainers with soap and water, and after everything is dried out, silicone spray the 'plugs' while opening and closing, then leave them closed for the winter. In the spring I open and close the mains a few times, then leave them open to start-up the engines.

    These Chris-Craft/Groco units work great, and with the powder-coating look better than new.