Hi All I know if is still a month to go but thought it would be good to find out who will be going to the Miami Boat Show 2008 this year. Carl will you have a get together at this show at all. Hope to see some of you there. Graham F
I plan to walk the brokerage show on Collins Avenue. If the weather is trashy like last year, I will also hit the Convention Center.
Here is a list of the ones over 100 ft. from the Show Management site. 157' Christensen Lady Joy 146' Breaux Gray Mist III 142' Richmond Status Quo 137' Newcastle True North 130' Northern Marine Magic 120' Palmer Johnson Mostro 120' Broward 120' Benetti 118' Hargrave Sandrine 116' Lazzara Serenity 115' Hargrave Missy B II 114' Hatteras Lady Sarah 112' Broward Lady Nancy 108' San Lorenzo 108' Mangusta Foursome 107' Horizon 105' Calixas 103' Johnson Diamond Girl 103 Broward Big Splendor 100' Leopard Veloce 100' Hatteras Freedom 100' Azimut 100' Carpe Diem The LSX is on the list
I can't be in Florida this February but will be down that way next year in February. I know it is early but anyone know the dates for next year?
I'll be hitting the show on Friday and Saturday. Tried to find a hotel nearby so I could avoid the hour plus commute each way from/to home, but no luck. Any captain have a spare bunk onboard for an overnighter (I'll buy the cocktails) LoL
I know for the TrawlerFest this year in Solomons,Maryland you had to prequalify financially to tour some of the boats, is Miami that way? I had seen that at other boat shows but first time in Solomons, a lot of people were very unhappy over it. I can understand limiting traffic but yet understand if you pay to get into the show you should be able to look at everything. I am glad it is not my decision to make.
In marketing they call that "reverse psychology", the actual potential buyers like it because it makes them feel special. In high end real estate development sales, some project marketers request a $10K fee (refundable) in order to preview the subject development.
Domani is there, as was the wind and rain! We delayed setting up the US Superyacht Association display until Wednesday.
I am pleased to report that Day 1 of the MIBS Brokerage Show was a real 'Chamber of Commerce' day weatherwise. Sunny, blue skies, mid-70F temps, light breeze....aahhhhh.....beats the office for sure. From my vantage point on the mezzanine deck of a 65 Viking SF, and overlooking some of the real players in the business whom I know well, I can report that the Yacht Business--as of, oh, the last couple of weeks--has seen a reversal of fortunes: yachtsmen will not be denied their addictions. The Europeans (esp. the Brits), Central Americans, South Americans, and--OMG--American Americans (Puerto Rico included--these guys love their SF boats) were out on the docks in force and are/have been opening their wallets... I think we may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it ain't no train. We are witnessing actual closings of boat deals, not the usual B.S. of "I got a contract". SeaEric stopped by today to say 'Hi', which was nice. I have no idea how he knew who I was. Somebody tipped him off that I am a tad burly? The remainder of youse guys are welcome to inspect "RACM"--or just press the flesh-- out on slip #520, Ramp # 14, across from the Green Diamond on Collins.
It was great to meet Loren (the name tag was a clue). Lots of nice product out there on display. I'm pleased to hear the reports of genuine interest, and some sales. 2007 was a good year for me, but I worked hard for it. My favorite boat at the brokerage show yesterday is an 80' Burger 1987 "King and I" (ex Sunni). She is maintained the way they should be, and of course I prefer the old Classic stuff.
On Thursday night, the following pics were taken from the 18th floor of the Miami Beach Resort overlooking the Yacht & Brokerage Show along Collins. To get these pics, I had to crash a party thrown by a certain yachting magazine who's editor isn't particularly fond of me. Had she seen me... it's a sure bet security would have escorted me off the premises. Special thanks need to be extended to certain YF members, as well as a certain yacht builder (who shall remain nameless), for sneaking me in and providing a veil of cover, while I partook in food and drink... at the competition's expense. The first pic is looking west and the second pic is looking south along Collins. All the other pics came out fuzzy, much like my logic.
I'm focused on reviews this year, so I haven't taken any pics of the show. I'm pretty sure Brandon will post some later, but in the meantime, here's the new Porsche designed boat by Fearless Yachts. I think the name of the company is fitting, because you'd need to possess this trait before engaging reverse! The aft deck of this boat swoops right down to the water, literally leaving 2 inches of freeboard at the stern. If you ever had to back up, really fast, you'd need to change the name of the boat to Big Gulp.
2008 Miami Boat Show Photos The Miami show is over but no one has posted any photos (Carl's blurry night time pictures of the marina taken from a party he crashed don't count. Next time I'll have to go with him). Okay, let me start this off: Photo 1 - Viking 60 from the bow Photo 2 - Riva Photo 3 - Riva bow. Nice woody. Photo 4 - Hatteras yacht Photo 5 - Hatteras Sportfish
Some more... Photo 1 - Impressive bow Photo 2 - What's plural for Marquis? Photo 3 - Towers of power Photo 4 & 5 - PJ Dragon BTW, the black corners in some shots are from a new glare ring I put on the lense. Won't be doing that again.
Here's a cool sportfish. It's a "tricked out" 60 Viking, called Bad Company Edition. A bunch of fanatical, intense but easy to hang with fishermen from the west coast added in cool features to make it more fishable. Add in these new functions to a 60-footer that tops out over 42 kts and dances around at the flick of a lever (did a sea trial on it, very impressive) and you have a battle wagon that's beating everything on the block. Photo 1 - Here she is in her glory. Photo 2 - A shot from the tower. Those holes are tuna tubes that keep tuna alive by forcing water over them. Nothing like live, fresh bait. Photo 3 - A view of the show from the tower looking south.
Really focused on reviews this year, taking mostly detail shots that will be used as reminders while writing. Covered a bunch of boats, of which 6-8 reviews are forthcoming. As much as I'd like to share some of these shots, for many reasons, it's best to wait until the reviews go live. Until then, here's a couple of teasers. The first... If a fire breathing reptile had a central nervous system, this would be it...
This is the new Sony PlayStation 3 controller. It's slightly larger then previous handsets because it's designed for a 135' video game...