Very nice looking place to live ya' got there Lars. And after today, I'd say you're lucky to not have snow... we got 10-12" dumped on us last night and this morning. Roads were fun for me, but everything else was tedious.
I know AMG touched on it a while back, and it's kind of an older post, but I thought I'd throw this in the thread for general reading. Short bit on flag etiquette. Now back to your regularly scheduled webcam.
The Amels Kiss the Sky seems to have a webcam but it is password protected.
Talitha-G I have just answered my own question... to quote from talitha-g blog: Masts are off, foward funnel too. Engines are in pieces. I tried to position the webcam shoreside but the timelapse results were too manic with tidal motion and all. So I’ve rigged one in the engine room facing the generators. All three are being ripped out over the next weeks so I’m going to record the entire event while I’m on leave.
Greenpeace Vessel "ESPERANZA" Webcam Greenpeace Vessel "ESPERANZA" is currently in the Southern Ocean where they say it's mission is to confront and expose the scourge of so-called "scientific whaling" by the Japanese. You can monitor the ships pursuits via their live on board webcams;
The Monaco port webcam has been very blurry a couple of months, but somebody has cleaned the lens so it is a little better now; If you didn´t know, in wintertime the swimming-pool (to the left in the camera) is transformed into an ice skating rink! Here is a recent picture;
Our office cam. Not much to see in winter, except for some icebound boats in-water strored, sometimes big huge white trumpeter swans, geese, polar bears lounging all over the docks, snow, ice.... All the reason's you don't want to be in Toronto at this time of year
**** why now?? i've been to kiel some days ago! .... on the webcam page of talitha g you can see her in lying in hamburg under contruction
Hi, Instead of under construction you should have written under re construction or undergoing a refit. ( Your signature says to correct your english) The Pic on the webcam is a fixed image, the boat doesn't move with the tide and the man in the Orange Suit has been there at least all day today.
thanks i did forgot the re before construction jep, but that seems to be from just two days ago - that weather ain't normal for hamburg *hrhrhr*
Hi, I am about 100km from the yard right now and it's almost dark which is another thing that shows it's a fixed picture.
we're gettig off topic i'm currently in itzehoe, hosting the house of my parents - they're in cuba now
it's actually pretty easy to run a webcam on a boat, at least for those that remain within celular range in the US. I've had one at the helm of my 53 Hatt for about 3 years now and sometimes i take it along on deliveries or charters. I use ATT/Cingular (aircard) which works pretty well. I had it up and running on a delivery from Savannah to St Petes last week and it was up 95% of the time in the ICW. Usually not much activity on my boat during the week so it just gives a view of the marina, more action on week ends... refreshes every 7 seconds or so...
Right on Pascal Nice to see a cam on a real boat. I personally don't get mcuh out of those big guys except when the cams take you to exotic locales and show the scenery... What cam software are you using? Would you permit me to include your cam's URL on this page?: Here is our onboard office cam:
Joe no problem including it on your page. i use Active Webcam by PY Soft. they have a free version which include an "unregistered version" message on the images but registration is cheap, around $20. it has a lot of options and settings incl. streaming, etc... here is a current view:
Thank you, your cam link is up ( I have been using Vision GS for about five years. Pretty good application written by a very smart lady. Lately the support has not been the best, but the program is pretty stable so I've been OK with it. I saw you had Canine Crew on board this morning. They're the best,