Ahhh, those English. Always looking for an innovative way of doing things. Cat diesel standing upright in the salon. Better fuel economy???
Not to make a joke of anyones misfortune here. The story behind it is the vessel was at speed on the ICW at night & struck a broken off piling which was hit by a barge earlier. It is reported that their were no injuries. That must have made quite a sound
Do you know if it sunk completely or..? Last Friday night I heard a Mayday call on my VHF and Sweden Rescue answered swift and asked for the position, they got an exact GPS-position and asked how many onboard, three was the answer, what type of boat is it? A powerboat, we are sinking now... and silence. Luckily a rescue helicopter was training landings in the dark on a cruise ship in the archipelago, not far away. So there were six boats and ships coordinated to the position as well as three helicopters, and within 30 minutes the three people were found and winched up from a small island where they had been swimming to. This shows that a GPS/plotter is essential when you need to know your position in a hurry and a VHF is always superior to cell phones, as you can be heard by many more. The boat sank in just a couple of minutes!
a good example why you should get a double bottom a few weekends toying around with fiberglass and she'll be as good as new. Just imagine the smell inside that thing...
If I didn't know better, I'd say that boat looks a lot like it hosted a Key West party for the Wild Child crew! Of course, since mother nature and the laws of physics created the drama this time (from what CT Dave tells us)...the boys from Wild Child are apparently off the hook! Seriously, I'm glad no one got hurt. Too bad about the boat. Seems like it was a nice yacht at some point.
That is almost impossible........I don't think that is what happened.....it must have been dismantled and lifted in there.
That is quite a scene. I can see the evidence from the water damage but I really can't explain the CATS in the saloon? However, why don't the relavant authorities remove the pilings to stop future accidents?
I'm very glad no one was injured. Still, that is one of the saddest things not involving human injury that I've seen in awhile. Looks like a 58 Fairline, beautiful yacht. Other than consulting charts, seems difficult to avoid a broken off piling at night.
A vast me hearties, I have been found Next thing I'll be found on a sailboat site Hmmmm. Who dat be? LOL
I believe your former partner in crime is WAY ahead of you in that regard. Doesn't he race snail boats now? How the mighty have fallen!