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Need Some Advice; under 40'

Discussion in 'General Downeast Dayboat Discussion' started by oneday333, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. dainisk

    dainisk Member

    Jan 15, 2007
    Perth, Fremantle
    I think some major issues in this thread have been missed - what is the intended use and at what cost.

    Somewhere in the thread it was said that cost is not an issue. Well, I bet it is. Cost is ALWAYS and issue, unless you're Bill gates - and even he is probably controls his cash more that you would beleive.

    there is purchase cost and in-going costs to consider.

    Then comes the next part and that is defining what are the most desirable uses and attrubutes of the boat. There are literally hundreds (probably thousands) of new and used boats to chose from in the 40-50ft range, be it from reputable production builders to semi-custom types. So, you need to narrow the choices down a little. Some sample questions might be:

    1 What is the intended cruising ground - do you need to get there fast or are you a 'stop and smell the roses' cruiser?
    2 Is this a day boat, weekend boat or for longer stays? This will determine accommodoation requirements, food storage and preparation, etc.
    3 Following on from 1), this will determine single or twin screw - type of drive (shaft or stern drives are possible on boats of this size), fuel burn and capacity, type of fuel (probably diesel)
    4 Then there are numerous smaller issues - watermakers, gensets, etc. Are these important to you. All cost money, eat up energy and require maintenance - but....
    5 Mention was made of an enclosed helm. Ok, but is an exterior helm also desired - flybridge?

    I could continue with many more questions, but I think you get the idea.

  2. oneday333

    oneday333 New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    North East Coast
    The boat that we are looking for has to have these qualities

    1. 40' long (give or take)
    2. Would like an enclosed helm position
    3. Built with quality material
    4. Can not go too slow, but there is no need to rush (if you know what I am saying)
    5. Able to handle weekend/ long weekend trips
    6. Easy to handle/maintain

    Pretty much a dream boat!!
  3. Mets

    Mets New Member

    Sep 4, 2007
    Miami Beach, FL
  4. oneday333

    oneday333 New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    North East Coast
    Ok everyone, some new news. Between 50-60 feet. same info. as before.

    Any ideas??!!!
  5. Rudy Nelson

    Rudy Nelson New Member

    Feb 5, 2004
    Beaufort NC
    Before you consider anything 40' you should have had some experience with a vessel at least 30' LOA. Insurance companies are very leary about new boat owners getting over their head in size. Talk to your insurer first and see what they will allow. Just a thought from long experience. Also remember the phrase "Thirty knot boats do not fit well with 8 kt experience.

    Rudy Nelson
  6. oneday333

    oneday333 New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    North East Coast
    Wonderful advice! My family member has experiance on power boats around the 30' range give or take. It is definitely a good idea to check with the insurer first though. Thank you for that very helpful reminder!

    ~Just Begining