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Discussion in 'Boat Shows & Yacht Watching' started by mp-willow, Jul 20, 2007.

  1. mp-willow

    mp-willow Senior Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    Maine, York County
    Hello All. I would like to ask you what places you like to go the best. From the New Hampshire line to New Brunswick the State has some great place. What sizre boat would you take, how long to stay.

    For me I am in Saco now, and it is growing. But go a little bit north mid-coast to a rich sailing and boat building history, in Bath or Rockland. Or Lands End, in Eastport. ;)

    All Seasons Too. The state has some great storms and you are never to fare from skiing or fall colors.
  2. cognac

    cognac Senior Member

    May 24, 2004
    Beaconsfield, Qc, Canada
    My favorite spot is Camden/ Rockport.
    I must admit that Maine is IMHO as close as you can get to God's country. BTW people have a lot to do with that statement.
  3. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    Maine has some spectacularly beautiful cruising grounds.
    My only gripe is that the water is too colld for extended dips in the water! But, most areas have lakes not too far inland that warm up nicely and are very refreshing on a hot summers day.

    Maine has also emerged as home of several yacht construction companies that are turning out real gems.

    Of course, there is first and foremost the Hinckley Company, which makes production yachts in Southwest Harbor, and Trenton, Maine.

    Lyman Morse in Thomaston has just launched a beautiful 94 foot Hunt design.

    Hodgdon Yachts in East Boothbay has turned out some real stunners recently, and is currently building a high speed vessel as a prototype for navy special warfare teams to use to deliver SEAL teams to their missions.

    Other yards doing neat projects include Rockport Marine in Rockland, and Brooklin boat yard on the Eggemoggin Reach.

    And, there are a multitude of yards doing smaller projects as well, all are outstanding examples of beautiful craftsmanship. Some recent examples I have seen are French and Webb of Belfast, Maine, Wilbur Yachts of Mount Desert, and John Williams Boatyard also of Mount Desert.
  4. mp-willow

    mp-willow Senior Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    Maine, York County
    Thanks for the reply. I think I would agree about the cold water, but then I took my summers on Moosehead Lake, a short Heli ride from the shore. I wanted to tell you that the state dose have sany beaches :) Most people think not, but I have been to some, though latly they took a real hit from the April Storms.:eek:

    Rockport? Some nice walking. I think Cadilac Mt. Would be a very fine place, when it is not blowing a 10+ kt wind and foggy. I was able to see all over the island.

    A new question: I have been told thet finding a marina east of Bar Harbor for a yacht of over 125 ft, is hard. What are your thoughts on that and the expantion of large yacht visits?
  5. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    You aren't going to find much east of Bar Harbor if you are looking for a marina.
    There is some great cruising and scenery, but self-sufficiency is a skill you should have in your quiver.

    There are plenty of large yachts that are showing their guests a great time from Portland to Bar Harbor. there are tons of neat stops in between.

    And yes, I agree there are some very nice sandy beaches along the coast, but when beaching the dinghy you have to jump out and stand in knee deep water that may approach 55 F on a good day, and after about a minute your lower extremities will be numb and possibly painful.
  6. mp-willow

    mp-willow Senior Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    Maine, York County
    You should know the water this month is as warm as it gets about 68 F :eek:
    So, beaching is not a problem. Thanks for the help. Am surprised about not having a marina in Eastport or the area. The sun raise is very nice, as is Campapello. A trip up the river to Bangor or stop at Freeport, if you want mass tourists.

    Any of you sail in the fall? Yes the water is cold, but the trip is worth it :)
  7. Karalia

    Karalia New Member

    Aug 26, 2007
    Camden Rockport is great!
  8. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    You should know that the only 68 degree water in Maine is in a lake pond or pool.

    Maybe you were measuring it up a river or in a very shallow estuary :)

    Eastport has a few fuel docks, but no marina. Campobello is very pretty.
  9. mp-willow

    mp-willow Senior Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    Maine, York County
    As for the water temp, I only know what I saw on the news. I will agree it is never very warm. ;)