Where do you find these gems?? Awesome new cat. I love it!! http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/n...e-yacht/7422-review-h2x-88-m-cat-bradley.html
I wonder what this one costs. The Prout 64 cat with 1200hp diesels runs 40 knots and costs around $2M. The Bradley should come in around $5M.
Nice review, Carl and Chuck! Speaking of Picasso, that interior certainly is 'artsy' --in the positive sense. The exterior overhangs give the boat a purposeful, even mean look...kind of like a cop with his cap visor pulled over his eyes and he's about to write you up. A pleasant departure from the same ol', same ol'.
Thanks guys! Sorry for the delay, just getting in from a long day. Gonna grab a bite and get to bed. See you online in the AM. Carl
Loren, Was that a familiar sight for you while growing up? LoL Let us know if you'll be at FLIBS. Carl, Chuck, Nice job. Interesting yacht.
I'm not saying that I got to know a Lauderdale By The Sea cop or two on a first-name basis because I was stupid enough to occasionally ride to my highschool Publix job on a dirtbike with an expansion chamber, but....no, not familiar at all, Tom What!? There's boat show coming up?!
Loren, you grew up in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea... ? Small world! I lived in LBS, just six houses from the Benihana. While you were working at Publix (Sea Ranch I assume), I was getting paid to test drive cars at SeaWatch.
Publix #236, yup---same as my draft number! I used to leave the store at night and since there was a drop-off from the parking lot level to the street adjacent, I used to try to get a bit of 'air-time'. I did this until I broadsided a car coming down that street, flipped over the car, and landed on my head with a crack all the way through the helmet. I actually rode the bike home. The top tube (under the tank) was so bent, my tracks looked like two bikes had gone by. The authorities gave me a ticket, but what really hacked me off was the subsequent placement of a stop sign where the parking lot met the road. That would go a long way, I suppose, in explaining some of my posts. I only lived for a couple of years over on Bougainvillea ('76 & '77?)-- the south side of town. I could walk out my front door and (barely) see the ocean across A1A. The landlord would fix bourbon & ginger ales for the tenants on Saturday mornings. I enjoyed LBS.
..... ... or an abduction by intoxicated aliens. I can't believe we never crossed dirt paths! In '76 & '77, I had a Suzuki TM100 (before the RM's were intro'd). Those were my last year's living in LBS, but I returned to visit a few years later when Ho-Jo's beach became the rage. I enjoyed... La Spadas! Matter 'a fact, still do! Lotsa good memories. The first time I played spin the bottle was under the Commercial Blvd. bridge. Oh, oh, oh... I almost forgot. I ran into, and subsequently became friends with that SAME girl, almost 30 years later. I was at the Sun & Fun Fly-In a few years ago and I noticed her staring at me in the crowd. She later walked over and asked if my name was Carl. I didn't recognize her, but I never forgot her name... Carol. We actually dated for a little while afterwards, but the bottle didn't spin so well this time around.
I guess we're getting away from the nautical aspect of YF, forgive me, but the 175 Yamaha that I crashed coming out of Publix was replaced by a 360 RT1 Yamaha, and the next ones were a 250 Bultaco Pursang, a 360 Husqvarna ( short wheelbase), and, finally, last bike ever, a Penton 175 'Jackpiner' (KTM engine) that I used to drive to classes at FSU up in Tallahassee 'cuz it had lights (sort of) and it was bullet-proof-- ran a lot of enduros across the state in 1971 & 1972 as well as making midnight runs to the local ("hell yes, I'm 18") place for a six-pack. Ah, to be young and dumb again. Regarding LaSpadas, isn't it amazing how the folks behind the counter never change? Great subs, yum!