Up in NY recently, for a little vacation and a little business. Came across the Westport VANGO at the mouth of Hempstead Harbor (Long Island Sound). At first, local leo was ties up to her, lights flashing. A bit later on, got a closer look from a boat. The helicopter was doing some transports, took off and landed a few times and buzzed us folks before final landing. Do notice that on the bridge there is an awning of sorts that folds up when the chopper comes and goes. Interesting.
Did a little fishing in Cold Spring Harbor (actually just drowned some bait, but nice day to be out anyway) and came across our friend Capt Ken on Curt-C. Looks like he was on charter, so we kept our distance. Take a look at the second photo. Boy, that's some crazy tower. Wonder what he's looking for.
That looks like pretty country up there, Tom. But, how are you able to survive without 90F, 90% humidity? Do you take a pill or something?
I guess you didn't check the local weather I'm just a few miles away from those pics & it's been in the 90's most of the month. It's supposed to be in the mid 80's today so mabe he will be a bit chilly.
Loren, I've added another scenic shot just for you, looking out over Long Island Sound. Actually, that day was warm. But earlier that week on July 4, out in "The Hamptons" (good to have rich friends with a Hampton home) it was freezing. Actually in the mid-60's, windy and rain, so it felt like it was freezing (at least to this thin-blooded Floridian, who only moved from Long Island four years ago. Pretty soon I'll be going for the early bird speacial and in bed by eight). Glad to be back in FL with 90+ days. Still have a few clients in NY and a few that come south for the winter, so have to keep in touch. The second photo of the 38 Sea Ray is a client's vessel. Actually teaching his wife how to pilot and dock it. She's getting there, but needs a few more lessons. Dave, may be back in NY in two weeks. Keep the weather warm.
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Blue guitar, a ~103' 1967 Camper & Nicholsons, was anchored off Garrison NY this past weekend (across from West Point) up the Hudson here. The owner was enjoying some kayaking and recreation. Handsome yacht. Didn't get pictures myself, but a friend did and I should be getting copies shortly.
Eric Clapton is (or was?) the owner. Although we don't discuss owners on YF, Eric is an old friend of my brother's (they went to college together).