I plan to cross the Atlantic this fall to bring a 132 ft steel trawler to Colombia. I'd like to take the fastest route using possible favorable currents. But, while there are some maps showing currents they basically show there's very little current going in one particular way on the shortest route. Since I can't find any info on the speed of the prevailing currents, I'm not sure if if any alternative route from the shortest route is better. Does anybody have any suggestions on where to get more detailed info on speeds of prevailing current on this particular crossing? Any other things we should be aware of on route? Thanks.
Pilot charts I'm an engineer, not a navigator . Thanks. That's exacly what I was looking for. Just didn't know what it was called. Thorwald p.s.: obviously I'll bring a navigator (or 2) long on the crossing
Blimey, have you got a skipper? hehehe. I guess you'll be having a fairly quick turnaround in Columbia? Load her up and back to Holland? hehehehe. Only joking
atlantic crossing info Hi Thorwald, I recommend Imray chart no. 100 ("North Atlantic Ocean Passage Chart") which outlines winds and currents for various times of year, and routes. Try here: https://www.imray.com/record.cfm?i_stock_code=980 Their website (www.imray.com) also offers two "Atlantic Crossing Guide" books, but I haven't used these two. And if you need a skipper/mate/navigator..... Cheers, Ido