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Diesel smell in 1987 Viking 48 MY

Discussion in 'Viking Yacht' started by danthroop@3dite, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. danthroop@3dite

    danthroop@3dite New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    Annapolis, MD
    I'm a newcomer to large yachts. My boat has DD 871-TIs.
    I have a constant smell of diesel fuel in certain parts of the boat, ie Aft Deck, closets, etc. Anyone have any ideas how to eliminate?:confused:
  2. CaptTom

    CaptTom Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2006
    Palm Beach to Ft Lauderdale
    I'll assume you have checked for fuel leaks or spilled fuel (especially in bilge). Are there any old filters (that include air filters like an AirSep or foam covering) stored back there? Is the engine room clean or dirty? Those Detroits could get messy if not looked after. Do you smell it more while the engines are on or off? How about when running or at dockside? Are those the aft closets you smell it in? Give us a few more details if you can.
  3. aqualityfg

    aqualityfg New Member

    Jul 4, 2007
    Ft. Pierce Fl.
    Also something to consider, is it fuel, or is it maybe fuems from exaust? Like Tom said, more details will help diagnose the problem
  4. CYS

    CYS New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
    s.w. florida
    After finding the source and cleaning the bilges etc, place some eucalyptus (blue gum tree) cuttings in the area and provide ventilation. It has worked better than anything in a spray for eliminating diesel odors in my experience.
  5. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    I was aboard a recently-built 130ft Italian-built motor yacht a few days ago.

    The engineer was considering adding some aeration grilles to the flybridge radar "arch". He showed me just how, within that magnificent and streamlined, yacht designer's tribute to masculine virility: the airconditioning exhaust, diesel overflow outlet from 1 tank and "breather" for the main black-water tank all shared the same port-side "wing". On the starboard-side, was the airconditioning intake. However, the 2 wings appear to be connected by the slender (and hollow) arch...?!

    Going back to the port side: there are small baffles about 15cm high separating the diesel overflow and the other 2 outlets. The diesel overflow has a tiny (Ø20mm) drain going overboard. Apparently, the last time they refuelled, that diesel tank was overfilled -resulting in an undetermined amount of diesel draining down into both the airconditioning exhaust air circuit and the black water tank before the refuelling could be stopped. Hence the smells of diesel fuel everywhere for weeks until they identified the problem...?! Even so, they'd taken no remedial steps until then except to ensure that the fuel tanks were never filled to capacity. I suggested they didn't need more grilles, they needed to completely re-engineer the intakes / exhausts and breathers / overflows.

    You can spend $ millions but one lesson always remains true: the creme de la creme is always at the top, but **** floats too... :)