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wood boat rot repair

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by newbee, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. newbee

    newbee New Member

    Dec 6, 2004
    West Coast
    I've been researching the claims made about the resin and expoxies sold by

    If anyone has any experience and opinions about this stuff I'd love to hear them?

    Is it really a superior product for wood boats? A gallon of the stuff runs about $160. Is that in-line with alternatives?

  2. tri - star

    tri - star New Member

    Feb 6, 2007
    Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    Epoxy costs

    All epoxies will seem expensive relative to other lower
    performing resins or adhesives.
    However, they are often the best choice - and considering
    how critical they are for safety and longevity - shopping in
    respect to price alone, ( to me ) can be penny wise and
    pound foolish.

    I am not that familier with the company referred to.
    However, epoxies that have worked for us - for well over 25 years includ:
    - The WEST system. ( Used in a lot of race winning boats.)
    - INDUSTRIAL FORMULATERS ( Used by Boeing aircraft.)

    The WEST system guys also put out an excellent book on
    using epoxy with wood.

    Cheers !

    Tri - Star
  3. dogsharks

    dogsharks Guest

    It depends upon HOW you plan on using this resin.

    Some people promote drilling holes into rotted wood and filling it with an epoxy saturation liquid, and I am skeptical about this. The only real positive way to treat rotted wood is with a saw. Cut it out, and then use the epoxy to bond things together and make the repair work hold well.

    I have used epoxy in fiberglass layup (too) in lieu of polyester, and it works great in that application as well.

    Epoxy works great in bonding laminations, putting together pieces that are also screw of bolt fastened, and in sealing things from moisture intrusion.


  4. Castlerock

    Castlerock Senior Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    New England
    I have used Epoxy in many applications over the years, even tried GitRot once which is similar to the Rot Doctor.

    What I have found is that it's not a good practice to use these products on a structual part of anything. They are good to fill a hole in a rotten window sill at your house or non critical part. That being said, in my opinion there are no non critical parts on a boat.

    Epoxy resisn is stronger that polyester, but both benefit greatly from the use of some structual component like fiberglass, carbon fiber and even layers of wood laminated with the resin.

    My method of repair on wooded boats has been, "When in doubt, cut it out." Safety at sea is the key component here.
  5. CYS

    CYS New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
    s.w. florida
    "The only real positive way to treat rotted wood is with a saw."

    There ya go
  6. Darkdiver

    Darkdiver New Member

    Oct 2, 2007
    As a marine worker and boatyard manager we deal with many wood runabouts and cruisers. The solutions you speak of will only increase you problem and make a pro. repair more work in the future. Remove the wood,Replace the wood.... That is the only way to do it.... West system or MAS are both very well tested and respected. Good luck to you sir..