I was just cleaning out my Racor's & found something odd in the bottom of one. It's a brass/bronze hex nut. It's about a 5/16" diameter nut with a very small threaded hole in the middle. Where the, what the, how the heck did this get there
Oh that's easy! It's the thingumy that holds the whatjamacallit to whojamaflip. If it's come off - stand well back and don't use a naked flame! PS - Which Racor product did you find it in?
Exactly what I was thinking LOL I don't know the model & of the racors but their are two right next to each other & the 30 micron filters are roughly 5" diameter & 10-12" long. There ia a "T" handle bolt which holds the top on & a clear bowl on the bottom with a dome catch tray under it. I just found what looks to be it on a web site. Racor 751000MAX Dual Filter
Dave, Do your hands still smell like diesel? Who knows the best way to get the diesel smell off your hands? And don't say go-jo becuase it doesn't do the trick. Here's the scenario,, you just scored a hot date that evening and just as you are about to leave you have to fix a quick fuel leak. You know you can not be showing up with your hands smelling like fuel as for some reason women don't like that. What do you do????
Easy answer. You dump her for a chick that digs diesels. And no, I'm not joking. BTW... C4, welcome to geriatric status.
Alright let me rephrase that scenrio,,, Your multi-billionare guest are coming in one hour and you just finished your fuel repair. You shower and still you smell like diesel and you know that they will not apprectiate shaking hands with some one smelling like fuel. What do you do??
Cleanser! Better smelling like Mr. Clean than Mr. Dirtbag. BTW, Carl is having a hard time finding chicks that dig diesels. Apparently none in Boca.
Dave, If you can find one, get a parts drawing of the filter you have. Since things seem to be working fine, perhaps it's a lock nut of sorts that came loose. You will probably want to open the filter and remove the cartridge and look around to see if anything is out of place, even under the lid where the T-handle is. Could it have been sucked through the lines from the tank? Have you had any engine problems on that side? Improbable but not impossible (at least I don't think so).
This'll shift it :- http://www.naturalhealthysoap.com/buyzeosoap.html?gclid=CKLT1oS85Y0CFSMGEAodAR1_uw It also softens your hands - which even girls who "dig diesels" will appreciate
As a matter of fact, yes! Thank god I'm married & don't have to worry about a hot date. My wife says I stink so I shrug my shoulders & open a beer.
Tom I looked inside & out but couldn't find where it came from. I found a phone # for Racor & talked to tech support. They said there is no such part inside & at some point, it must have been dropped into the open canister.
I was at a seminar a year or two back about FOD (Foreign Object Damage) Control and they brought up all sorts of scenarios (documented, recent happenings)... one of which was a bagged lunch in the bottom of a hydraulic cylinder that was part of a landing gear assembly. Sounds like your extra part is better than a rotten sandwich.
Hi, Well it wouldn't be a nut if it didn't have a threaded hole in the middle would it. Glad to read that there doesn't seem to have been any major problems, my only questions is if you have the Racor Water probes in the bowls how are the cables attached to them, some I have seen have nuts and some push on depends upon the age of the units.
Well, it's not like a regular 5/16" nut. It's about 3/8" long & on each end, instead of being "hex", it has about 1/16'' which is round as if each end was turned on a lathe.
Hi, Except for the length you describe it sounds very much like a terminal nut. Is there anythin small and electrical above the filter cannister that may have been worked on while the cannister was open? What secures your fuel tank senders into the tanks? Could this nut have come from there? Does it have any relations inside the tanks? OOPS, I guess I had more than one question!!
From the description, it almost sounds like a "stand-off" used inside electronic components for stacking printed circuit boards.
There is no such part inside a Racor filter. My crystal ball says it some how found its way into a filter cartridge and was installed during a prior service. Do you buy filters by the case? Is the case open or are filters loose under a couch with 100 other boat goodies? Do you remember the condition of the plastic wrapper on the filters at last service? My heartfelt suggestion is to place the object in your sock drawer in case you discover its origin. BTW, Blue Nitral gloves keep the fuel off your hands. PS. My wife likes the smell of diesel.