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I Value your opinions

Discussion in 'Azimut Yacht' started by jserb, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. jserb

    jserb New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
    Viewers Take on Azimut

    Quality, Value, and Longevity. Keep these 3 items in mind when responding to this. I am a 100 percent Azimut fan, I LOVE everything about these boats, design, style, concept, however I want an owners view. I would like to hear from all of you and give me your take on what you like and what you don’t like about these yachts. Lastly at the end of your post just put a thumbs up, or a thumbs down if you would purchase an Azimut. I plan on buying an Azimut within the next 10 years, however I need to know your opinions. So I ask all of you to answer these few questions. What do you think of Azimuts quality? What do you think of Azimuts value, will the resale be a good return. What do you think of the Life expectancy of an Azimut. Laswtly, Do they over price Azimuts, or are you getting what you pay for?? Would An Azimut say a 50 or 55 be a Yacht YOU would take from Miami to Naussa, or FL to NY????? What other yachts would you the view recommend with the style of Azimut, but could offer a better value, design, and quality? I value all of your comments strongly, please try and answer all of these questions if possible. As always thank you all for your help and input.
  2. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    This kind of questions comes up from time to time and I think the answers will be the same as if you ask somebody of their favourite colour.

    Some like Azimuts and some like Ferrettis, while other have other brands they prefer. In ten years time, Azimut could be the best or the worst yachts, who knows?

    The only advice that counts is to find a boat that YOU like and have a surveyor tell you about the quality of that particular boat.
  3. Mov-it!

    Mov-it! New Member

    Nov 8, 2005
    Katwijk Netherlands
    I second Lars' view on this subject.
    This is exactly the bottom line with yachts.
    Get onboard, get a feel for the boat, check the materials used, check the finishing and have a pro value the technical part.

    If you like what you see, buy it.
    If the technical part is crap, skip it.

    My experience with yachtowners is that they are unlikely to tell the truth about their yacht because it easily could affect the resell value of their investment.

    When you buy a car you have the possibility to make a sensible choice.
    With yachts you can only go on the facts and your gut feeling, because yacht are all about personal sentiment.
  4. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    You have a "search" feature available to you on YF's wooden NavBar above. Please use it before posting new threads.
  5. Nudibranch

    Nudibranch New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    Northland, New Zealand
    I have posted a comment about how we find some things with our Azimut under the "Too many things wrong with Azimuts" thread. Don't know if it helps but there you go. Another thing I would be careful about is I think Azimut and other manufacturers probably install the bare minimum components as standard as it's cheaper for them. One of the most valuable bits of advice we received prior to puchasing was we should get a bigger Genset. I think the standard was 7kw but we got a 13kw. It's been essential if you want to do anything else at all while your boiling the jug.
    Cheers and best of luck.
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I love managing Azimuts, there is always LOTS of work to do on them. If you buy one, you should know a very good marine electrician on a first name basis. Other then that they handle fairly well, look nice, and are well laid out. But, they're maintanence heavy for their size, and getting parts for them is a mission and a 3 month wait.

    Fueling an Azimut is always an affair as you have to wait for it to transfer via the small crossover hose. Adding an hour to the job usually. Also, you better have an extra exhaust bellows (accordian looking 12" long piece that connects the risers to the exhaust) as I have replaced them on 3 different Azimuts and it takes 3 weeks to get them and the clamps........

    I'd rather have a 64' Hatteras, or a Neptunus, or other.

    Yes, you can take an Azimut from Ft. Lauderdale to Nassau or up north.