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World Debut! Volvo-Penta's NEW IPS 750/850

Discussion in 'Yacht News; Builds & Launches' started by YachtForum, Aug 7, 2007.

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  1. Volvo Penta's IPS Goes BIG!
    New Larger Engines and Drive Systems

    by Carl Camper​

    Volvo Penta, one of the most innovative companies in marine history, has once again left the competition cavitating. In just over two years, Volvo's revolutionary IPS system has made its way under the hulls of over 100 boat models, ranging from 30 to 75 feet. Not since the development of the anchor has a new component been so readily accepted by the world's leading builders.

    Builders have been quick to adapt Volvo's IPS technology for many reasons. First and foremost, because of the gains in efficiency, performance and maneuverability over conventional drive systems. But also, because they can install an IPS system in a few hours. Compare that with days, or even weeks, for a standard powerplant & drive system. Think of it as an outboard... for yachts!

    Volvo knew they had something spectacular with the IPS, so they immediately moved forward with the development of new, larger drive units mated to higher output engines. Up until now, the engines in the IPS range have been Volvo Penta’s 4- and 6-litre diesel units with a maximum power output of 435 hp. Now, two entirely new power classes are being launched, the IPS-750 and IPS-850.

    The NEW IPS 750/850 Engine & Drive System...
  2. NEW 9-litre and 11-litre engines!

    The engine in the IPS-750 is the Volvo Penta 9-litre D9 marine diesel, which has been available for inboard shaft installation for three years now and has an output of 575 hp. The IPS-850 is powered by the all-new 11-litre D11 engine at 670 hp. Both engines share much of the same technology, including a unique twin-entry turbo which permits pulse charging. This is a technology that produces immense torque from low rpm's. In combination with the larger IPS drive units, Volvo has dramatically increased the range of boats that can adapt the IPS system... and this includes LOTS of yachts!

    NEW Larger Drive Units!

    The new larger engines produce more than twice the amount of torque, therefore Volvo Penta has developed an entirely new and significantly more powerful IPS drive unit, along with a new series of propellers. The new drive units have all the benefits that made the original IPS system so successful. The drive unit and propellers have been further refined with the help of advanced computer models together with comprehensive testing in a cavitation channel. The result is an integrated drive system with not only high efficiency, but also lowered fuel consumption.

    Side-by-Side Comparison - IPS600 to IPS850...
  3. High performance, low emissions...

    In a comprehensive series of tests, the IPS-850 was installed in boats that were normally driven by inboard shafts. In directly comparable statistics, the IPS shows gains on every level...

    • Acceleration from standstill is approx. 20% faster.
    • Fuel consumption/emissions are approx. 30% lower at cruising speed.
    • Top speed is improved by upwards of 18 percent.
    The higher efficiency of the IPS gives better performance in combination with lower fuel consumption and – not least – lower total emissions. Moreover, noise levels are greatly reduced with the IPS system, because the exhaust is vented under the hull and dissipated through the wake.

    IPS Twin Installation...
  4. Shaft Drive vs. IPS Drive; Thrust Line Comparison...

    The IPS drive system produces a TRUE zero-degree thrust line, unlike traditional shaft drive systems. This means the angle of thrust is directly parallel to the running surface of the hull. This is FAR more efficient than traditional shaft drives, which are angled down anywhere from 10 to 13 degrees, resulting in lift at the rear of the hull, thus pushing the bow down. This increases the wetted running surface of the hull. In addition, shaft drives also have an increased number of elements protruding beneath the bottom, including the shaft itself, the strut and the rudder. Each one of these appendages contribute to parasitic drag. In contrast, the pod-type drive is only one appendage!
  5. Forward vs. Rear Facing Props…

    Because thrust is under considerably higher pressure immediately after expulsion, positioning the props forward of the pod allows for lift to be generated toward the trailing edge of the hull's bottom, resulting in quicker acceleration and lower planing speeds. Another equally important factor is the leverage induced against the hull by the drive system. Remember Newton’s third law here… for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Propellers generate thrust, but they also generate a huge amount of pressure in the form of leverage against the point of attachment. The resulting leverage induces positive trim to the bow. In essence, you have a system that is producing lift for the entire hull. A model of efficiency!
  6. DuoProp Thrust & IPS Prop Position...

    The Duoprop system consists of two counter-rotating propellers positioned on the same shaft. By calculating the optimal pitch range between the front and rear propellers, a dramatic improvement is acceleration is realized because the DuoProp system doubles the number of blades that produce thrust. While performance and efficiency are heavily weighted, consideration must also be given to handling and maneuverability. Counter-Rotating props cancel-out each other’s torque, which eliminates any yaw produced by the system. In addition, Volvo Penta's prop-forward configuration moves the thrust point closer to midship. This provides quicker response to maneuvering inputs.
  7. Sport Fish Mode...

    And finally, a new mode of operation has been developed in cooperation with several Carolina-based Sportfish boat builders. When the sportfish mode is activated, the pods rotate to extreme angles, providing unparalleled vectored thrust that instantly swings a transom toward the fastest fish. The rotational force induced into the hull by the IPS pods is multiple times more powerful than traditional shaft and rudder systems. It's an entirely new function and it's attracted considerable attention. To say "Fish Fear This", is an understatement.

    Vectored Thrust...
  8. Unique functions linked to the IPS system...

    Docking Stations: These remote joystick stations can be installed anywhere on the vessel, and in multiple locations, usually where a good line of sight is present for docking. No steering wheel required, but you may want to brush up on your Pac-Man skills.

    GPS Anchor: Can you imagine holding a designated position, against wind & current, without the use of an anchor? It's true! When the driver activates the GPS Anchor function, the EVC system takes over operation of the throttle and gears, controlling the pods. With the help of information from a GPS receiver and an electronic compass, the EVC system can keep the boat steady without it moving or rotating.

    Low-Speed Mode: No more tapping the clutch to back into a slip. With the Low-Speed Mode engaged, the boat can be operated at particularly slow speeds, very useful in congested areas.

    IPS Joystick...
  9. Technical Data...

    IPS 750...
    Displacement: 571
    Configuration: In-line six marine diesel
    Crankshaft output (hp): 575
    Turbo charging: Twin-entry turbo and aftercooler
    Speed range: 28 to 40 knots top speed

    IPS 850...
    Displacement: 660
    Configuration: In-line six marine diesel
    Crankshaft output (hp): 670
    Turbo charging: Twin-entry turbo and aftercooler
    Speed range: 28 to 40 knots top speed

    For more information contact:

    SE-405 08 Goteborg
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