Guys, We have a mole at Lazzara that snuck out of the stockroom with a dozen 2007 calendars. I'm not one to deal in stolen merchandise, so I need to get rid of 'em before Dick Lazzara finds out and feeds me to an IPS drive! But first, let's have some fun! The top-10 best completions to the following lead-in will receive a calendar... "I love Lazzara because... " Good luck!
"I love Lazzara because...of the innovative spirits of Brad, Dick, and, rest his soul, father Vince, who, over the years (from the Gulfstar sailboats and early Viking motoryachts twenty years ago) pushed the envelope of design and engineering and forced the stodgier builders to get off the schneid. Mainly I love 'em because, if there is a pinnacle where top Italian and American boatbuilding meet, these guys own it." In my humble opinion, as always.
"I love Lazzara because...of the excellent view through the windscreen" "I love Lazzara because of the excellent features of their onboard options" Seeing this I guess LSX is a short for "Lustrous Sensual Xtras"?
"I Love Lazzara because... ...each model has curvacious lines, beautiful bows, and stylish sterns...and they make nice yachts, too"
I love Lazzara because... Of this wonderful mathematical equation Speed + Comfort + Lines on the open seas = beautiful models 'up front'
Simply amazing... last month, we had 203,000 visitors, yet we can barely get 10 people to respond to a free calendar? OK... I need mailing addresses from everyone on this thread. The calendars will ship next week. Send your vitals to... Carl (at) YachtForums (dot) com
Thanks Carl (and Lazzara), info is on the way. And try to get a new mole next year so maybe we can get the calendars a little earlier, say April. LoL
August is HOT! OK... all the calendars were shipped with the exception of Tom's, which will ship Tuesday. Sorry 'bout that bro. Got your digits late.
Ships Tuesday, just in time for August. Been a bit busy lately (you know, hurricane season) and can't get on YF daily (I could, but then you'd have to pay me). Thanks!
Thanks Carl. Talking of 'paying you' - do I owe you anything for the postage, especially as you are sending trans-Atlantic?