Take a look at these shots taken in Ft Lauderdale on July 27. Looks like the fog has rolled in pretty good. Fact is, there was no fog. And I didn't use any filters at all to get these results, just shot with a Nikon D50, 18-55mm lens. Anyone care to guess as to the explaination? I'll post the good yacht pics down the thread later.
last 2 you have sun flare also. need to use a lens hood. but yeah seems like more than just flare, although i dont know that lens. condensation you should see clearly through the viewfinder though.....
if you changed the lens shortly before, it's condesation - i've got a D50 too and i had the same problem some times - just take off the lens and wait some seconds, after it it should work
A/C in Car My guess is you had the air conditioning on in the car for an extended time. When you took the camera out, the hot and humid day caused condensation to form on the lens....happens all the time with my sunglasses.
Exactly what happened. Usually put the camera bag behind my seat on the floor, but had it on the passenger seat with the AC blowing for almost an hour. Once it hit the very humid (and stinkin' hot) Florida air, the outer lens fogged right over. Suprised since the camera was in a closed bag, but learned a new lesson. It did give some cool effects though. And looking through the viewfinder you saw the condensation, since you are looking right through the lens. I have filters, but need to get a hood for the standard lens to control the light. Here are a few more shots from down there once the condensation cleared (took about 5 minutes). Photo 1 - Allegro Photo 2 - Defense by de fenders (on Allegro) Photo 3 & 4 - Atlantica (I like the fourth shot even though shooting into the light there's enough reflection to detail the vessel)
Capt Tom ,some nice shots of this beauty .I think this yacht has the looks for sure.The bow speaks for itself .Thanks for the pics. Francois
Good pictures Capt Tom - thank you. What's on the upper deck of Atlantica? Is it a flybridge or just a recreation deck?
I didn't get a good look, but by this stern shot it looks as though there is room for recreation. Also I'm guessing due to the glass panels filling the space in between the railings.
Francois, Here's a bow for you, from the Feadship Gallant Lady. Tip your hat as you pass, in honor of the late Jim *****.
Capt. Tom (and all ye others callin' yerselves mariners)... How convenient it must be to just "explain away" the foggy photos with the first pseudo-realistic scenario that came into yer heads?! True mariners will have immediately recognised the phenomenon as having a great deal more to do with the proximity of where the photos were obtained to the Bermuda Triangle. May I remind everyone that Hollywood released a multi-million dollar production called The Final Countdown back in the early '80s based on supposed myths. Would a modern-day motor yacht, suddenly and mysteriously transported back in time into the vicinity of Pearl Harbour on the eve of the Japanese attack there, which precipitated the USA's entry into WWII (finally, after 2 years of...?!) have had any effect? I guess that us real mariners already know the answer to that and the rest of yers will find out by watching the movie if Hollywood ever decides to make a sequel...?!
airship, Are you sucking in on that helium again? I know I'm down here in the tropics, but the closest I've come to the Bermuda Triangle is from ordering one at the local bar. You did bring back a memeory with that movie, The Final Countdown. Saw that when I was a lad. Hope the sequel comes out before I'm dead.
Airship gave away his age on that one! If my memory serves me, during the time warp stage in Final Countdown, the scene looked a lot like Tom's pictures with condensation?
Thanks for the intrest, for information M/Y Atlantica has a large recreation area on the top deck, this includes the BBQ and jacuzzi area along with sunbathing areas. The area is also used to store the tender, seadoo's and kayaks. m.usher, engineer yacht Atlantica.
Capt: "Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is M/Y Atlantica calling Honolulu coast guard, over." [sound of static] Capt: "Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is M/Y Atlantica calling Honolulu coast guard, over." [sound of static] Capt: "Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is M/Y Atlantica calling Honolulu coast guard, over." [sound of static] Chief Engr Usher: "Maybe we're out of VHF range skipper? Let me try the satcom...there's no signal!". Senator Samuel Chapman: "What is it with you guys? Surely you have a HF transceiver aboard this space-age contraption?!" Capt: "Uh chief, do you remember how to work the SSB?" Senator Samuel Chapman: "Let me have it. Ms. Scott, look up the distress frequency please." Ms. Scott (pa to the senator): "It's 2182kHz senator." Senator Samuel Chapman: "Pearl Harbour naval base, this is US state senator Samuel Chapman, put me through to the base commander right away!" Radio operator: "Please repeat your message sir." Senator Samuel Chapman: "I said, this is US state senator Samuel Chapman, put me through to the base commander double-quick goddammit!" Radio operator: "He's still asleep sir. It is Sunday. Could I take a message?" Senator Samuel Chapman: "Goddamit! Wake him up and tell him that a Japanese zero warplane just sunk my yacht, another vessel the Atlantica just fished us out of the ocean and the Japanese are on their way to Pearl Harbour right now. Put everyone on alert! Send all our ships out to sea and put all our airplanes into the air at once!" Radio operator: "I copy that sir. Uhmmm, where should we send everyone...?" Senator Samuel Chapman: "Capt, where are we in relation to Pearl Harbour please?" Capt: "Just a moment, I'm waiting for a GPS position...dang! I don't get anything here. But I guess based on our last fix we must be about 120 miles SE of Oahu senator." Senator Samuel Chapman: "Pearl harbour, the Japs are at most 120 miles away. An attack is imminent. get everyone out and at battle stations!" Radio operator: "I copy that senator. I'm just relaying that...and if you're wondering why I didn't question who you said you were: Well senator, I hate your guts, I never voted for you and I still think you're a huge S.O.B.!" Senator Samuel Chapman: "Bless you sailor! Capt, how soon can we make it into Honolulu? And does this space-age looking contraption have any weapons or devices which we might use to our advantage?" Chief Engr Usher: "Capt, I'm pushing the engines to their limit, I dinna can give yers anymore or else they'll break up. Warp factor 15 knots...!" [M/Y Atlantica's 1st Officer appears on the bridge...] 1st Officer Spockie: "Good morning senator, Ms. Scott, my fellow crew. I was finally awakened by the irregular motion of the vessel when she was undoubtedly brought across the waves in order to facilitate recovery of the survivors. It would appear that for some as yet unexplained reason, this vessel has been transported back into time to a date just prior to the devastating Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. It's therefore quite logical that our satellite communications do not function as the very first communications satellites will not be put into orbit before another 2 decades. May one suggest that our radars be put on maximum range in order to try and locate the Japanese fleet?" Senator Samuel Chapman: "Goddamit! I knew as soon as I laid eyes on you that you were different. You're not an illegal from south of the border are you?!" Someone else can continue...
I will do that for Jim ,Capt Tom .What a bow ,he was a master in his work .The bow of the 26 m we working on now looks small compared to this Thanks Francois
And, since "Atlantica" features prominently in this thread, here is an up-to-date photo of her at the Las Olas docks as seen docked behind a listing belonging to a YF Member. OOOOps, too big, sorry!