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Engineering Career Advice

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by JRDNJ, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. JRDNJ

    JRDNJ New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
    Hello Everyone,

    I was hoping to get some job advice from anyone. To give you a brief background, I am an engineering student in the US studying naval architecture. I will be entering my forth and final year of undergratuate studies in September. After graduation, I plan to work for a few years then go back to get a masters in Naval Architecture and hopefully an MBA.

    Lately I've been giving alot of though to different career paths. One that I am very interested in is luxury motor yacht design and construction. What type of entry level jobs are available in this industry? I understand that most of the industry is done overseas (The Netherlands, Germany, UK, etc.). I'd be willing to work anywhere in the world. I think that would be a great experience right out of college. However, keep in mind I currently can only speak English.

    I have some summer internship experience working for a large general contracting company and a shipyard. It was typical intern work but I was exposed to some great projects. The shipyard mostly built commercial vessels with the occasional custom yacht.

    If anyone has any adivice for me I would greatly appreiciate it.

  2. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
  3. JRDNJ

    JRDNJ New Member

    Jul 19, 2007

    Thanks, I have taken a look at those posts and a few others on this forum. I was hoping to get some advice based on some actual experience. You said you were an engineering student. What did you do after you graduated?

  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Well John, originally I planned to become a naval architect, but my interests took me toward sub-surface development, specifically water-jet propulsion and high-speed stabilization. I was fortunate to be adopted by a research facility that helped me develop certain aptitudes. This led to pioneering research in the areas of dual stage axial flow water jet pumps, intake gullet enlargement/reduction systems, variable geometry venturis, surface piercing jet pump drives, deployable hydrofoils, super-cavitating hydrofoils, ventilated hull designs and waterborne surface effect vehicles. Some of my extended work included research in the areas of reflex impellor and stator technology, high speed stabilization appendages and self-sustained propulsion systems. To this day, I remain a consultant to several defense contractors and transportation manufacturers. That’s how we pay the bills at YachtForums.

    But as you stated above, you’re looking for advice based on actual experience. Sorry I don’t meet this criterion. However, if I was looking for advice on entering the yacht design field, I would probably pose this question in the Yacht Designers forum?