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how does a designer find an architect/ project manager?

Discussion in 'Yacht Designers Discussion' started by aditun, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. aditun

    aditun Guest

    Hello one and all,

    It's always a bit nerve-racking posting for the first time on a freshly-found forum, but it seems like a nice friendly place.. so here goes.

    I've had a peek around and I can't find a similar question, but please step right up and let me know if this has been talked about already.. I would love to read all about it and to stop asking aready-been-there-questions.

    To cut to the chase... Im a proffessional designer in the Auto industry with 7 years experience thus far. Without going in to detail, certain aspects of the industry are wearing me thin, and I feel the urge to try out something that has always been an underlying interest to me... yachts.

    My big question is, how does one find project managers/architects to work with, if one has a design or 2 that one thinks is worth persuing?

    I am predicting responses like.. "who do you think you are just thinking you can come and design a yacht without experience in the industry?" and that's fine. Hit me with it. But I just want to know how to get in touch with these people, other than going down the list, emailing them all, and hoping for a bite. Maybe that's how it works.

    How do small design companies or freelance designers go about getting business? Do they generally take on all aspects of the design and engineering themselves?

    I feel like I have something to give to the industry, and I guess I want to know if Im barking up a very tall and slippery tree, or is this a direction that could someday fulfill a great ambition?



    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  2. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Hi and welcome to YF:s, yes we are friendly around here! :)

    As a yacht designer you donĀ“t have to supply everything, like naval architecture and engineering. But it helps if you have an understanding of what it takes to build a boat, that an engine room is less than 50% engines or how air condition is built in or what can happen when a yacht is out in bad weather..

    If you have a design concept, you can sell it and together with a shipyard develop the entire design package. The problem is to sell, not to design if you ask me. Most of the successful designers are much better in selling than designing yachts. The essential is to build relations with yacht brokers and shipyards.

    If it was just about creating good yacht designs, we should see a lot of better yachts out there...;)
  3. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Interesting topic. Is it common for the bigger NA offices to take on a budding designer as an apprentice/gopher/clerk?

  4. Innomare

    Innomare Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Hi Aditun,

    welcome to yachtforums.
    Feel free to send me an e-mail or PM with your ideas if you want someone to give constructive criticism.

    As you are coming from car design, I guess your ideas are more related to exterior styling than the actual naval architecture. If that's the case, there's no better way to get a multitude of different opinions than to splash them on this forum (yacht designers discussion).

    How do small design companies or freelance designers go about getting business? Do they generally take on all aspects of the design and engineering themselves?
    We usually work in a team, where naval architect and designer/stylist work in close cooperation. Then there's a multitude of other parties involved to get all the work done (large offices like Vripack do it all in-house). If a yard is already involved at this stage, it can be the yard that does this "detail engineering" together with its subcontractors.

  5. aditun

    aditun Guest

    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for the replies, and the welcomes... it's great to hear first hand from people in the know about how it's done. It sounds to me like I've got to sit down with some sketches, and decide on a few projects to develop further and get them to a stage where I can try to 'sell' them, as you say AMG.

    Which brings me to my initial question.. how do I find the right people who can get my designs in the right hands?

    So, Im sitting there with a project in my hand.. I've taught myself what I think I need to know about the basics, I've created a vessel which packages ok, would work fairly well, looks amazing, but needs some good hard engineering work to bring it up to a level of reality. Who do I show? Where do I go?

    It would be good to get in touch with an architect with a vision for new design, and to guide me and my designs in a direction that is possible, but still pushing some boundaries of design and building. No offense to designers out there, but there needs to be changes in marine design bigger than what is currently happening. Are there just not the customers out there to accept bigger movements in design? I belive there must be, as people are buying Wallys aren't they?
  6. tartanski

    tartanski Member

    Nov 5, 2004
    Hamburg, Dunnon, Buzios

    My advice is to network network network, this forum is a great place to start and I can also recommend, it is a German business social networking site base don WB2.0 type of tech. It has personally brough me in contact with various members of the yachting world, including Captains, desingers and people offering work..

    Also please feel free to PM me to get in contact for a chat, I work with CAD (CATIA/tribon) in the industry and am also a yacht design fan based in Hamburg.

    Dave t
  7. aditun

    aditun Guest


    Thanks for the reply and the advice. I will take you up on your offer when the times comes.
