Does anyone know what this yacht is here? She sure has an interesting design. Looks a bit like Skat at the back with the Push out Lounge windows. "Grand Luxe?"
Well, I have never seen this vessel untill now and I thought that she had and interesting design when I saw the vessel. But, you mean that she is actually a floating Art Gallery or that was just to say she is a work of art?
Ron, I think Lars was exercising a little humor? He's varnishing this week. Fumes! Anyhow, whatever you found is... uhm... interesting. Proof that "art" is subjective.
I recall what Lars is talking about, and I'm pretty sure that the art gallery yacht he's referring to. The yacht will be called Seafair. And it will basically serve as a mobile art gallery. I'm kind of surprised to see it made it this far into reality. Quite an, ummmmm, interesting design to say the least....
According to the website that Coismov provided, she was launched on the 2nd of March this year(07). There is a TimeLapse webcam shot of the launch here: Very interesting boat this though, never thought that I would see a vessel with this kind of....architecture?
its seafair 228' floating art gallery theyre building another one with a similiar look for Fashion also http://www.***************/boats/YD/Seafair/Nanaimo-7.jpg http://www.***************/boats/YD/Seafair.htm
apparently the first one is called "Grand Luxe". i Guess Seafair is just the company that runs it. Rumor is, there are more on the way.... (one for fashion?)
yup there will be one for fashion shows as well....had the privalage of sitting in on a presentation by the designer...Luiz de Basto...I go to Design school (SCAD) minoring in marine design.....he also showed us some yachts hes designing and said we were the first people outside of his office to see them....very interesting stuff
Hi, This vessel can be seen in the flesh by anyone driving along the SR 836 in Miami over the Bridge by Merrill Stevens where it is berthed on the north side of the river ( It was on Tuesday this week anyway). It is quite a size up close, unusually it either has no anchors or only one anchor judging by what I saw from the south side of the river.
Err, I would keep in mind that it is really NOT a yacht. Better comparison might be a floating casino? fair and balanced Kelly
Lars is right, it is the floating art gallery 'Seafair' which was featured in a recent thread (although I can't find it now either!) Full details can be found on their website including sailing and docking schedules for the next two years. I believe they are building a second one for use on the US west coast.
For its purpose, this yacht might actually be successful, because any art displayed here will look far more aesthetically pleasing in comparison to the vessel than it would on another yacht.