Hi all, I was just talking to a buddy that was in Cabo over the weekend, he said there was a boat there called Helio and it was a stunner. Any info on this boat, it was not the sail boat Helios but a blue hulled motor yacht with a large off shore boat on the boat deck port side. Steve
I think you mean this one... (Helios II) http://www.yachtmati.com/helios-2-palmer-johnson/index.htm here is another one who is called "Helios" http://www.charterworld.com/index.html?sub=yacht-charter&charter=motor-yacht-helios-1105
Hi Rene, I think it is the Oceanco, looking at her charter area it is the Pacific coast. I will pass this along to confirm, the PJ is a dandy looking boat as well. Steve
m/y Pegasus M/y Helios is indeed an OceAnco. She was built by oceAnco as the m/y Pegasus. Rather famous yacht in her right but i think since her refit into the Helios her charter price shot up. She charters at almost 400K a week. Here she is from the oceAnco website as her original self: http://www.****************/component/option,com_zoom/Itemid,4/page,view/catid,22/PageNo,1/imgid,26/key,5/hit,1/
Well, I just confirmed with my buddy that it was indeed the Oceanco Helios gracing the waters off Cabo San Lucas. I told Dean for about what he paid for his condo there he could charter for a week He is going to think it over and get back with me. I wonder how many weeks a year a boat like this charters? Steve